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These are the answers to some question you may have thought of.

1. Why is Autumn rarely mention or in the story?

Because half of the time I forgot she even exists... ʘ‿ʘ

2. What is the voice?

The voice is Paris' subconscious.

3. How old is Dominic?


4. Does Zeus have eyes? Is he a demon?

Yes, I think and no.

5. Who's older Mason or Dylan?

Dylan obviously.

6. Will their ever be a book on Mason and Seven?

Sadly no, but I will do a special chapter on their relationship.

7. Will, Thomas, and Dylan ever be together?

Mmm, I don't know you tell me?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

8. Where does Zero get his fruits from?

Well... I don't know, ask Zero.

9. What are the characters real name?

Check Cast.

Check Cast

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10. When do you update?

Mostly on Saturday and Sundays but sometimes through the weak if I feel like it.

11. How many babies will Paris have?

Well, you'll have to wait to find out.

12. Is Dylan alive?


13. What did Zero go to jail for?

For attempting to kill the grocery store owner for not selling him any fruit when he was on a mission.

14. Why did Zero got banned from having visitors in jail?

Because he tried to have sex with Benny...

15. Did Zero actually bite a pineapple without cutting it?


16. Is Paris' "baby" gonna be a girl or a boy?


17. Are you going to write a book about Stefano Scorpio?

Mmm... No.


Nah, Nope.

I'll see.

Yeah, never mind it's still no.

18. Author where are you from?

The Bahamas! 🇧🇸🇧🇸🇧🇸🇧🇸🇧🇸

Anyway, next question!

19. Is there going to be a series to Sold To My Husband?


20. If so what's is it gonna be about?!

Wait... Don't worry I'm already writing it.


Welp that's the end to the q/n and if there's anymore ask me now and I'll answer.

Anyway, thank you so much for selecting my book and sorry that I'm not updating.

But I will try to but until then I stay tune in for any questions.


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