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"Take a picture." I say to Stokeley. For our date we went to the local park. He bought me some roses and chocolate. I was walking to the bench when a basketball came hitting me in my shoulder.

"Oww." I said turning towards the direction the ball came from. "Sorry." This tall lightskin boy said apologizing. He picked up the ball and was about to walk back to the court. "Hold up, lemme see it." I reached for the ball and he gave it to me. I ran up to the court as Stokeley called out to me. "Where you going?"

I point towards the net. "I'll be right back."

I dribbled the ball on the court, going under my legs, spinning and doing more extra stuff before shooting it.

SWISH, was the sound it made going though the net. "Yoo, she got handles. You should play a game with us." I heard a few boys laugh and chat. I had on jeans and sandals so it wouldn't work even if I wanted to play.

"Thanks but I have to go." I said walking away. "Wait, can I get your number or something." I opened my mouth to speak but was cut off by Stokeley.

"No, she's taken." He says pulling me away. We exit the court and walked back to the bench. "Now back to the picture." He says pulling out his phone again.
"What do you want to eat?" I asks him as I look through the menu. "You.. I-I-I mean I just want some fries." I slowly nod.

"How 'bout you." "Uhhh, I think I just want a burger." I shrugs.

"So about what you said earlier, I'm taken?" I question. He sighs. "I already said that you were mine yesterday." He says as the waiter comes taking our order.

We tell her what we want then get back to the conversation. "You really want to date me? Out of everyone else me? What about me is so special that you want me?" "I don't know... your energy is powerful.". I look at him confused. "What do you mean energy?"

"Like, when I first saw you I felt something... in here." He said pointing to his heart. "I just felt something." I smile widely as the woman brung us our food.

"Enjoy." She says before walking away. I eat a few fries before pondering on what he just said. I know what he meant, completely.

"Stokeley..." I look at him while he looks at me. "I felt what you felt too and I want to agree to my side of the commitment."

His eyes grew wide.

"You deadass!?" I mouth yes. He stood up pulling me into a hug. "You serious?" I nod for the hundredth time. "Yess Stokeley!" 

He smile was mad BIG. We finished up eating and walk to the car. Stokeley was still smiling as he drove me back to my hotel.

"I promise to treat you like the queen you are." He says looking at me in my eyes. I lean in while he leans in. We were inches from our lips touching... BUT the light turned green making everyone behind us beep their horn.

Stokeley sighs pulling off. I grab his hand latching our fingers together. He squeezes it not to hard but not to soft either. Pulling up into the front of the hotel, we get out of the car and walk to the entrance. This time he walked me to my room.

We arrived at my door. I turn to say goodbye to Stokeley but instead he grabbed my face  me into a kiss. I happily smile into the kiss as he tugs me closer.

I drop my bags placing my hands on his face just like he had his on mine. He pulls away as we gasp for air. He grabs my hand once more.

"See you tomorrow?" He says. "You will." I grin. He lets go of my hands walking back towards the elevator.

I honestly wanted another kiss, so I asked for one. "Wait, Stokeley." He turns around lifting his eyebrows. "Can I have another kiss?" He runs back to me pushing me towards the door kissing me harder than the first time.

He pulls away saying goodnight. I grab my bags and walk into my room getting prepared for bed.
My phone rings me out my sleep. I check it seeing Stokeley calling me at ONE IN THE MORNING.

"Boy what is you doing?" "KAYLA, I NEED you to open your door people are out here fighting and shooting and I can't even get to my car." "What?? You never left?" I say hopping out of bed throwing on my slippers.

"I saw a old friend and stayed to talk to him. But when he was walking me to my car someone came up and starting fighting him." He says breathing heavily. "Yea, come to my room." "Ok." He hangs up. 

A few seconds later knocks were made on my door. I look through the peep hold seeing Stokeley so I open the door. "Thanks." He says walking in. "Here." I say removing his jacket and handing him some water.

"You ok?" I ask. " Yeah... I don't think he is though." He says looking out the windows. I yawn and got back into bed. He looks at me then at the bed then back at me. "Yes you can come sit down, Stokeley." He gets under the covers and lay facing me.

"Are you leaving Miami anytime soon?" I shake my head. "In two weeks I am." "Where you live currently." "In North Carolina." He nods. "I'm going to make these last two weeks worth your time." He says patting my head.

I remove his hand laughing.

"Go to sleep." I say closing my eyes. "Okayyy." He says. It was quiet for a while  before I opened my eyes seeing Stokeley staring back at me.

He busts out laughing. "You're a weirdo." He continues to laugh. "I can't go." He says removing his hat and durag.

His dreads fall in front of his face. Damn, I sat there staring at him this time, probably drooling. "Kayllaaaaa." He drags my name taking me out of my ponder. "Yess baby." I say laying my head on his chest.

"I asked what did you want to watch." I shake my head. "It doesn't matter I'm going to sleep anyway." Listening to his heart pace was WONDERFUL. "Okay." I hear him place down the remote before he wrapped his arm around me.

This is definitely something I could do forever.
Hi. This chapter was so cute to me idkw but it was. But anyways and as always, I hope you enjoyed.😌🖤


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