Chapter 7

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Dedicated to MakaylaJones5


Chapter 7

Vanessa and I left the mall since Carlos wouldn't stop ringing her cell. I didn't mind much because I'd bought all the things I needed. More bras, a few perfumes and some swimwear for the beach party.

Vanessa decided to drive this time to the beach because I'd bought an ice cream cone and I wanted to eat it in peace. While we were driving to the beach, we gossip and talked about our summer so far.

I gasped at something Vanessa had to me. "She's pregnant!?"

Vanessa nodded her head at my question. We were talking about a girl that we used to go to school with in middle school. She used to be a shy, kind, and smart girl. And now she was pregnant!?

"Do you know how she got pregnant?" I said, licking my ice cream.

She let out a cute giggle. "Instagram stalking is pretty hard when she has such small captions to her pictures but then I started stalking on her Facebook page. She had a bunch of pictures with her stomach and she kept tagging this dude."

I laughed, "Don't tell people you stalk. They might think you're crazy,"

She rolled her eyes. "Yeah whatever. Anyway, the guy is a blonde college student. He's pretty cute if you asked me,"

I sighed at her, "You think everyone is cute."

She smiled. "That is pretty true, especially Matt, he's such a cutie."

I rolled my eyes. You wouldn't even think Vanessa had a boyfriend from the way she's always talking about how "cute" other guys were. But Vanessa loved Carlos and wouldn't do anything to jeopardize their relationship that they've spent almost three years building.

"Speaking about Matt, where do you think he went? Does he have a phone?"

I shook my head. "He came to our house looking like a filthy bum. He had nothing with him," I explained right when we made it to the beach parking lots.

She frowned. "Aw, poor boy, well you guys should really keep a tracking device on him. I mean, he did just got out the slammer can't really trust him too much."

I nodded my head, opening my door and getting out of the small vehicle. I still had a little bit of ice cream that was in my cone and I quickly licked it, finishing it up in a quick motion.

I made sure to get the bag with our bathing suits so we could change if they had a changing area.

While we walked, someone calling Vanessa's name made both of us turn around.

Carlos was walking from his silver truck with swimming trunks on while water flowed from his dark hair down to his chest. I knew he'd just come from the water.

Vanessa immediately ran to her dude, jumping up in his arms and kissing him senselessly. I stood there awkwardly, looking at the two giggling and flirting with one another. I didn't have a boyfriend to do those things with. Some days when Vanessa would tell me about the sweer things Carlos did for her, I felt sad and jealous. I wanted their type of relationship but maybe my time wasn't to come yet. And I guess I was fine with that.

Clearing my throat, I caught both of their attention. Carlos smirked at me, walking up to me while he still held Vanessa in his grasp.

"What's up, knucklehead?" He asked, rubbing his knuckles on my head like I was some type of dog.

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