Chapter V

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"So how was school sweetie?" Fredrick is at the kitchen counter getting dinner ready.

Sweetie? Is he serious?

We're having chicken, mashed potatoes and corn, my favorite.

Something must be wrong because Barbra, Fredrick, and Franny are vegetarians and they don't want me eating meat.

"It was fine thanks for asking I guess."

I take one of the plates from the counter and put a chicken breast on it.

"How was work sweetie?" Fredrick asks.

Barbra is making some veggie patties for her, Fredrick and Franny.

"It was fine. I had to take care of this little 3 year old that had an accident. So he was all wet. I had to call his parents and explain to them that their son needs new pants."

Barbra laughs and goes back to cutting veggies.

"Where'a Franny Barbra?"

She turns to me and sighs.

"She went to her friends house for dinner."

I nod and put a 5 spoonfuls of mashed potatoes next to my plate.

"And Olivia?"

Barbra stops cutting and puts the knife down on the cutting board.

She takes off her apron and turns around slowly.

"Your sister invites her boyfriend to have dinner with us today."

I drop the spoon in the bowl and sneer at her.

"Your kidding me, right?"

Barbra shakes her head and wipes the sweat off of her forehead.

"You know as well as I do, that she skipped school to be with him!"

She shakes her head and looks at Fredrick.

"She wants us to see that he's not as bad as we portray him to be."

I snort unattractively.

"Okay." I say, my voice turned to sarcasm. "Just let my 14 year old sister and her horny 15 year old boyfriend be together in a closed environment."

Barbra sighs and shakes her head.

"Whatever Cassidy. nice. Please?"

She turns back to the cutting board and picks up the knife again.

"Nice? I'm not being nice to an ass who's gonna get my sister pregnant,"

I pick up my plate and head up the stairs.

"With his banana."

I open my door and put my plate on my work desk.

I'm not going to have dinner with a person I hate.

I unhook my laptop and set it in front of me, clicking on Netflix.

I'm in the middle of watching Suite Life On Deck when I get an I.M alert from a person named: HoneyBunniesAllOverMe

I exit out of Netflix and go to my I.M account.

HoneyBunniesAllOverMe: Hey. It's nice to talk to a honey bunny late at night.

IJustDontKnow: Um...who is this?

HoneyBunniesAllOverMe: Your lover.

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