Chapter XIV

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I get home at around 3:30, and immediately go to Olivia's room to make sure that she's okay.

I expected her to be on her bed, sleeping. What I didn't expect was a naked Brian on top of a naked Olivia.

"What the hell?! Haven't you learned from the last time?"

Brain's face blushes and he pulls off of her, holding his junk with his hands so that my sister can cover her body with the blanket.

I shut her door and cross my arms, my eyebrows arching.

"Would you care to explain yourself?"

Brian stuffs his boxers on and walks back to my sister, trying to get some of the blanket to shield himself.

My sister thwacks him in the arm and huddles in the corner of her bed, the sheets of the blanket tight around her white knuckles.

"Brian stopped by to see how I was doing and one thing led to another."

She gets off the bed and grabs her underwear from off the floor, then heading towards me so that I can shield her.

"I really would have thought that you would have learned by now."

Olivia steps in to her underwear and shakes her blonde hair.

"I was talking to a doctor on the phone and he said that it's good for the fetus to have some exserice in the womb."

I roll my eyes and drop the blanket.

My sister yelps and puts her breast in her hands.

"Oh for gods sake! It's not like he's never seen you naked."

"Well it's different when your sister's around!"

She picks up the blanket and wraps it around herself.

"Whatever. Just make sure that you have a condom on when you do it and make sure that no one is home and no one is planning on being home for the next couple hours."

I swear, if Brian had a notebook, he would be taking notes.

"Thanks, Cassidy."

They stand as still as statues. Not moving a muscle.

"You can go now Brian."

He looks at me and then at Olivia. 

Me. Then Olivia.

Over and over and over and over again.

I pick up a brush from the floor and throw it at the walking sperm.

He maneuvers away from it and it barely misses his left shoulder.

"Hold your pants! I'm moving, I'm moving!"

I shake my head and look up at the ceiling so the man can get some privacy.

Without getting too much.


"So now you've experienced what I have."

"Shut up and be there for me for once."

I hear a sigh on the other line and some shuffling.

"Alright babe. I'm coming over. I'll be there in a bit."

I smile and shut my phone off, heading towards my door so that I can slip my shoes on.

When I finally got Brian out of the door and to his house, I went home, called Andy and ranted to him about the injustice of 15 year old boys having girlfriends.

I told him that I needed to get my mind off of things, even though I just got back from having a date with him.

I get my jacket and shrug it on my shoulders.

I grab my keys and set the alarm so that no one can get in or out of the house.

No one knows that house security password except for me, dad, and Barbra. They don't trust Olivia with it because they think that she'll sneak someone in or sneak out.

They never expect me to do anything like that.

I'm their little loser that only has one friend.

I hear an engine rev and I open the door eagerly, then close it behind me, pressing a button on my keys so that the house alarm automatically locks.

Andy gets out of his car and stands by the door, his hands crossed and his key ring hooked on his pointer finger.

He starts to twirl his keys and when I peck him on the cheek, he doesn't move.

"Aren't we going to go somewhere?"

I stand on the tip of my toes so that I'm closer to his height.

He laughs and hugs me tightly.

We stay like that for awhile until I feel it getting awkward so I push away.

"What's the spontaneous and long hug for?"

He rolls his eyes and throws his keys in to his car.

He takes his jacket off and picks me up.

I wrap my legs around his waist and attach my lips to his.

He carefully lowers himself down and puts his hand on my back, slowly lowering me down to the ground.

He looked at me for a minute, the edges of his eyes squinting because of the sun.


My brows furrow and try to sit up.

"What's wrong Andrew?"

He shakes hi head and gets off of me.

He dusts his pants off and I stand up as well.

"What's happening?"

Andrew looks at me and clears his throat, taking a step back, then a slow step forward.

"Cass. I know that you love me. I know that I love you. I mean, the first time I met you, you were this shining girl at a kissing booth, just standing there waiting for someone to come along and kiss you. You just didn't expect me. You expected a prince and you got one. You finally have a prince."

My eyes start to tear up.

"I thought I wanted a blonde princess that was flexible, but what I got was perfect. You thought that you needed two people to love you, but you just need one person with so much love, it feels like two people."

I whip my nose on my sleeve.

"We became friends and then I fell. I fell hard and fast and so did you. You denied it and denied it and denied it, but then you finally gave in."

Andy reaches in to his pocket and pulls out a black velvet box.

He kneels down on one knee and opens it up to reveal the biggest ring I have ever laid my eyes on.

"Cassidy Peats, will you marry me?"

I just started to go out with the man in front of me.

I just started getting used to the nicknames and the sex.

I don't even know if I'm done loving Chris and Matt.

Do I really love the man that just professed his love for me.

Do I really love the man that just took the chance that I would say no because we're 16?

Does this man really know me?

Do I love him?

Does he love me?

We're still children. Do we even know what love is?

"Andy. I...

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