Chapter VI

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"Honestly, I made a huge mistake. And now, he won't even return my texts."

I'm painting Millie's toes a really soft shade of purple.

She fidgets and I end up missing her toes completely and painting a stripe of purple on the top of her foot.

Milly gives me a look and I glare at her.

"Don't even look at me like that Mills. You're the one that twitched!"

She keeps looking at me, until I make another stripe in her foot.


I giggle and drop the purple nail polish.

"You're done. I'm doing my nails from now on."

I roll my eyes and flop on to her bed.

"You'll be back." I say as I take a book from her nightstand and flip through it.

I hear her huff as I look at the title of the book.


"Uh huh?"

"Why are you reading 50 Shades of Grey?"

Millie runs towards me and rips the book out of my hands as I laugh my ass off.

"I was curious." She says as she shoves the book under her bed. Probably so her mom won't find out that she reads that porn book.

"Yeah right." I say, looking at the length of my nails. "And I'm just "curious" about murder. Maybe I should try it sometime."

She rolls her eyes and goes back to the towel on the floor.

"So what should I do about Andrew?"

I flip on my stomach and and annoyingly poke Millie with my toes.

"WHAT?" She screams at me, messing up her toes.

"What should I do about Andrew?"

She rolls her eyes and focuses hey eyes on her toes again.

"Just put on your big girl panties and apologize."

I huff and look at the ceiling.

"But the bigger question is..will he forgive me?"


I woke up the next day, with a piercing headache.

I stumble out of my bed and walk downstairs to the bathroom.

I look in the cabinet and pop some Advil in my mouth.

I turn on the tap and cup my hands so that I can have some water to down the pill with.

I raise my hands to my lips and swallow.

I feel the pill go down with the water and close my eyes so that I don't puke.

I was never that good at swallowing pills.

I hear footsteps to my left and open my eyes to see Fredrick in his robe and slippers.

He looks like he's half asleep.


He nods and walks in to he bathroom to see what I was doing.

"Advil?" he says when he sees that half close bottle on the counter.

I nod and run my forehead, telling him without words that my head hurts.

"Scale from one to ten."

I hold up 8 fingers and I hear him sigh.

"Alright Cassidy. Come on. Back upstairs."

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