Chapter VII

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We get to the beach in 5 minutes.

I hop out of the car and grab my bag, heading towards the sound and smell of the ocean.

I dump my stuff on a chair and step out of my cover up.

I slip off my sandals and run in the sand.

Mid run, I let my ponytail out and feel my long hair hit my neck as the wind blows it in all different directions.

I laugh and giggle as I feel the wet sand squish under my toes.

I run towards the ocean and close my eyes.

I hear the soft wave before I feel it on my toes.

Suddenly, arms wrap themselves around my waist and they lift me off of the ground.

I open my eyes and scream happily as I recognize the tan arms and the freckled shoulders.

"ANDREW! PUT ME DOWN!" I scream with a smile on my face.

I feel his stubbly chin on my back and twist around so that I can face him.

But he's holding me so tight that we start to fall.

"Oh." I say as I land on top of him.

My bare stomach is on his bare stomach and I can feel the faint hair line that marks the spot where his...yeah

My cheeks blush and and I try to get off of him, but then he wraps his arms around me and flips us over so that he's towering above me.

He looks at me and smiles at my shocked face.

My hair is sprawled on the sand and a rock is digging in to my back, but I don't notice it much. And even if I did, I wouldn't want to move.

Andrew takes his hand and rubs my cheek softly with his first finger.

"You are truly beautiful Cassidy."

He leans down and I feel his nose on mine.

I inhale and smell sweat mixed with bananas.

I smile and grab the back of his neck, tilting my head.


Andrew's head shoots up and I scramble out from under Andrew.

"Hi Matt."

He looks at me, his head cocked to the side and raises his head.

"What were you doing?"

I laugh nervously and blush.

"There was a piece of sea weed on her face and she was dork enough to trip in a rock when I was trying to get it off of her."

Andrew comes up behind me and touches the small of my back lightly.

I arch my back and move away from him, heading towards boyfriend number two.

"Is that so?" He clenches his jaw and grabs my hand.

I turn towards Matt and kiss him to show that I still love him.

He smiles and lets go of my hand.

"I was going to ask you guys if you wanted to come over to the south beach and party with a couple of my friends."

Andrew rubs the back of his neck and chuckles.

"I think we're okay."

Matt glares at Andrew and so do I.

"What Andrew is trying to say is that we would love to, but we were gonna hang out over here."

I feel Matt put his head down and his lips touch my ear.

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