Chapter VIII

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Andrew scrambles off of me and I stand up quickly, brushing the sand off of my back.

I look up at Matt and see thathe's practically fuming with rage.

Matt steps close towards Andrew and jabs a finger at his bare chest.

"What the hell were you doing with my girlfriend?"

Andrew smirks and shoves Matt's finger off of his chest.

"I was close to hitting second base, that's what I was doing."

I roll my eyes and shake my head.

Yeah right. Like I would ever let him touch my boobs. But yet again, 5 more minutes of breathing in his scent and feeling his tongue on mine, I probably wouldn't mind.

Matt clenches his fists and rolls his neck like he's ready to fight.

"She has a boyfriend and she's happy with him, right babe?"

I open my mouth to tell him that I'm more than happy with him, but Andrew being Andrew, he has to butt in.

"Yeah right. She's been cheating on you with this Chris dude for, like, ever. So she probably doesn't feel that bad about kissing someone else, right babe?"

He has got to be kidding me. I kissed Chris when I was dating Matt because I was also dating Matt as well as Chris. But I'm not dating Andrew so I feel bad because I am dating Matt and Chris. Does that make any sense?

I open my mouth up to explain these things, but I'm interrupted by the jackass in front of me.

"She's not your babe. And she's not cheating on me with that loser Chris."


Both Andrew and Matt look at me with astonished eyes. I think they forgot that I was standing right next to them.

"Babe I..."

I shake my head and hold up my finger towards Matt, telling him to shut up.

"I need to fucking think here okay? So can I have 5 god damn minutes please?"

I rub my forehead and close my eyes, thinking about what to do about these baboons surrounding me.

So, to get this in check: I'm going out with both Matt and Chris. Matt knows about Chris, so it's only a matter of time before he finds out. Then, I won't have a boyfriend at all.

Although, Andrew knows about both Matt and Chris, but he still flirts with me and kisses me whenever I let him and encourage him.

I open my eyes and look at Andrews' confused and worried look.

I nod my head, telling him that I'm okay.

I turn towards Matt's still angry face and clear my throat nervously, not knowing what he'll do when I tell him everything.

"Matt, what Andrew said is true. I've been dating another guy behind your back."

I see the veins start to bulge on the side of his neck and my finger pops up again, letting him know that I'm not finished.

"I'm not done, so don't get your panties in a twist."

I hear Andrew snort and I whack him in the arm.

"But the part where he said that I didn't care about your feelings when I kissed Andrew on today, was not true."

I step towards him and smile softly.

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