May 29th - 7:39 PM - 1D Tour Stop - New York

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The number of girls increased as the car inched closer to the hotel. It went from a few scattered to tens and tens of girls grouping around the entrance. I don't know when I'll ever get used to this. My phone buzzed on my lap as I observed the scene.

Hey babe, how close are you? The suspense is killing me and the lobby is beginning to overcrowd.

The driver turned around to face me and put on a smile. "We're here Ms. Hudson."

I'm right outside.

I texted back as I gathered my belongings. My phone buzzed as soon as I locked it.

Oh, I see you. Stay in the car, I don't want you surrounded. I'll be out there with Paul in a second

I sat there and watched the man pull my bags out from the trunk. First the big black one that had pink seams around it then the smaller suitcase that was pink with black seams around it. I've learned that when you travel with your boyfriend and the rest of his band, you've got to bring a lot of your possessions. Why? Because you're always in the spotlight.

There was an outburst of screams and yelling. It was muffled from inside the car but I could only assume who it was. I looked and only saw the top of my curly haired boyfriend from behind Paul who was approaching the car. He knocked and I opened the door to signal that I was decent to come out. When I got out, a few flashes of light aimed in my direction went off. Paul was telling a girl who looked like she had tried to go at Harry to stay back. His attention was back to me.

"Hello, Emma. Nice to see you again." Paul smiled and I laughed.

"Stop treating me like I'm the celebrity, you goof." I teased. Paul was like the dad I've always wanted. He was fun and not too hard on me, but he was protective of me more like a daughter than a girlfriend of the band he guards.

I heard some screaming towards me. Things that I always heard; "Hi, Emma!" "You look pretty Emma!" "I love your shoes/shirt/hair/etc Emma!" I waved and smiled quickly at all of the fans. Another thing I've learned from being a One Direction girlfriend is to be nice to everyone, not that I wouldn't be normally. But the nicer you are, the less death threats you receive. However, I knew from the start of this relationship, I would be taking on way more hate from the fans than Eleanor and Danielle combined. I didn't understand why, and I don't think I ever will.

I looked around quickly to see where Harry had gone. Suddenly he came up to from my right. He handed Paul my two bags then looked down at me.

"Hey babe." He smiled, dimples completely showing. I couldn't help but smile back, his smile was contagious. There was a bit of a height difference between Harry and I. He rose a good six inches above me and he always made fun of me for it.

Harry took my hand in his, intertwining our fingers. He leaned down, giving me a quick peck on the lips. Paul hated when he did that because it caused some anger in a few fans.

"Harry, not here." Paul pushed me and Harry to walk into the hotel. We walked and I kept my head down a bit to keep the attention on Harry. One of the things I hate being called is an attention seeker. I try to bring everything back to Harry or the boys. It's better and safer that way. I could feel Harry's body shaking from waving with his other hand. Then we were finally in the hotel where I thought things would be quite.

There were more girls sitting around in the lobby with their cameras and phones aimed at us. Paul walked where most of the girls were located so we could have more privacy. He always complained about how the girls got annoying hanging around the lobby waiting. I really don't mind unless they come charging at us. Then it becomes a problem. When we got to the elevators, Harry pressed the button then pulled me in for a tight hug. 

Diary of a Worldwide Famous Band Member's Girlfriend - Summer '12Where stories live. Discover now