May 31st - 12:23 AM - 1D Tour Stop - Chicago

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"It was fantastic. Great start of the tour, you know?" Harry said, slowly taking off his shoes at the end of the bed. I watched his fingers carefully as he tossed the shoes towards his suitcase.

"That's great, babe." I replied. I turned back around and continued to re-fold all of my clothes in my suitcase. I had been sitting Indian style for the past half-hour and I was beginning to lose feeling in both of my feet.

"Yeah. Did you get anything while shopping tonight?" Harry asked curiously.

"I was thinking about it, but I don't want to waste a bunch of money in one place, so I'm waiting for a bit. Plus, I still have a couple shirts I haven't worn yet." I laughed. Harry joined in with a small chuckle.

"Girls.." He mumbled. As I rolled my eyes, Harry walked into the bathroom. "I'm gonna take a quick shower, ok?" He asked rhetorically.

"Mmhm." I finished folding everything and tried to get up. The numbness in my feet weren't helping me at all. I half-walked, half-limped to the bed, already in my PJ shirt and shorts and ready to go to bed after such a long day. It felt good to relax and kick back. Then an obnoxious noise interrupted that feeling and tensed me up.

"Who's there? And can you stop knocking so loud." I said without thinking that it may possibly be a stranger. It sounded rude and I wished I could have taken it back but the person responded quickly.

"I just need your help for two seconds." The Irish accent was heavy and I caught myself smiling at it. I got up and walked to the door to open it.

"What can I do for you, Mr. Horan?" I teased. He ran his fingers through his bleached hair and sported quite an exhausted look.

"Well, I'm trying to do a twitcam but the computer is never on my side. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Can you set me up?" He asked. I rolled my eyes because, for one, it's almost one o'clock in the morning and for two, he's so helpless.

"Sure." I laughed, then followed him down the hall into his room, tiptoeing even though it was probably pointless. When he opened the door with the keycard, I saw that his room had been straightened up. "Impressive."

"Yeah, yeah." He waved my comment off. I saw his computer set up on the table across the room. It was facing the door and from the looks of it, it was on the twitcam site.

"Wait, where's Zayn?" I asked, observing that he wasn't in the room.

"He went off somewhere with Josh and Sandy. I don't know." He laughed tiredly. "Anyway, I can't fall asleep so I tweeted I would do a twitcam but it's not working for some reason. The camera isn't loading and it won't let me start it." He motioned to the computer as if he was fed up with it. I watched the screen with intent, then took a seat to figure it out.

After a few minutes of browsing around, first checking the internet, then restarting the browser, I found the problem.

"Aha! You had the camera application open which stops the twitcam from beginning." I said, clicking out of Photobooth and reloading the twitcam page. The camera finally loaded and he was set to go.

"Why don't I get computers? It all just seems so simple." Niall said, rubbing his eyes. He took a look at the computer and fiddled around with it for a second.

"I don't know, but I'm gonna go back to my room now." I laughed at Niall.

"Yeah, uh, thanks for helping!" He said. We walked back to the door.

"Oh, Harry said you did spectacularly tonight. Good job!" I smiled patting his arm softly.

"Of course he did. Thanks though." Niall gave me that deep look again, an unbreakable gaze that swallowed me. Before I knew it, I was wrapped up in Niall's arms and receiving the tightest hug from him ever. This was obviously about something way more personal than a compliment. I wasn't objective towards it either, I was fine with it. After what seemed like a minute, the hug ended leaving my hands sliding down from around his neck. However, the two of us were still so close.

Diary of a Worldwide Famous Band Member's Girlfriend - Summer '12Where stories live. Discover now