June 2nd - 7:23 PM - 1D Tour Stop - Michigan

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I licked my lips, slowly, watching Harry perfect his hair for the last time before going on stage for the concert. He was dressed in his first outfit for the show and admiring himself in the mirror.

"What ya lookin' at?" Harry said to me through the mirror. I snapped out of my daze and smiled at him.

"Just watching." I replied. He smirked back to me then returned to looking at himself. I walked to the clothes rack and flipped through all the outfits. This was my second show and my first time being in the dressing room. As I got to the last outfit on the rod, Harry's hands made their way onto my waist.

"That's my favorite." He whispered in my ear, sending numerous goosebumps rising on my skin.

"Me too. There's something about dressy attire on you that really," I paused, "turns me on." I finished and listened to Harry snicker quietly. "What? Why is that funny?"

"It's not, it's cute." He kissed my nose and instinctively squinted my eyes.

"Harry! 15 minutes 'til showtime! Better finish up in there!" Zayn pounded on the door. Everyone knew we were both in here and if they didn't Zayn just made it very apparent to them.

"I'll be out in a minute!" Harry yelled back. I felt the blood in my cheeks turn red hot. Harry winked down at me and rubbed at the inch of skin that wasn't covered by my shirt around my hips. I pulled his hand off and walked to the door.

"Come on. It's show time." I said, attempting to be serious. Harry laughed. I almost forgot that I had to meet up with El and Andy because we were sitting together. "Oh, crap! I gotta go catch up with Eleanor!" I said out loud. Walking back over to Harry, I gave him a quick kiss. "Good luck tonight!" Harry smiled back then went over to his phone while I headed out.

As soon as I opened the door, someone crashed right into my side almost knocking me to the floor. "Watch it!" I yelled then looked up to find Niall with a worried look on his face. I wanted to feel sorry for him, but I didn't know why. He didn't deserve my sympathy.

"Sorry." He said quietly. After, he quickly walked down the hall and disappeared. That was strange, he was strange. How did he just change from being furious to being regretful. Whatever it was, it had trouble written all over it and I wasn't going to get myself in more of that. Harry opened the door, surprised to still see me.

"I thought you were going to catch up with Eleanor?" He asked, curiously. 

"I am." I said. I realized I sounded a bit suspicious so I walked off avoiding further conversation with him.

7:56 PM

I gazed around the packed arena, hoping that El, Andy, and I would remain unnoticed throughout the whole show. I knew the entire fan base still had it out for me and I was taking a huge risk by being there, but I wasn't just not going to support the boys, even the ones who betrayed me and Harry.

I caught myself thinking about Niall again when I heard my name being screamed from a distance. Almost turning around to find the face that matched, I kept looking forward to the stage, ignoring it because I didn't want to be bitched at or called names.

At first a few stabs at me were taken from the same direction. Again, I chose to ignore it. Then, it caught on and sections from every direction, turned to face us. Some groups were chanting rude things, others were just shouting their own cruel words. I kept looking forward and I tried to stay strong. It was only a matter of seconds until the show would start and end it. It felt like so much longer though.

Soon enough it felt as if the whole arena had erupted into a booing and thrashing fest towards me. I barely noticed the tears falling down my face. I barely noticed Eleanor taking hold of me and covering my ears. Both Andy and Eleanor had sheltered me from anyone's view. They let me cry and we kept to ourselves ignoring the harsh words and sounds. Soon enough the boys would run out and the girls would forget all about me, but I wouldn't ever forget about them.

Diary of a Worldwide Famous Band Member's Girlfriend - Summer '12Where stories live. Discover now