June 1st - 11:34 AM - 1D Tour Stop - Chicago

685 9 4

I nervously watched Harry as he scrolled through his phone. Every tap and every flick of the finger made me so scared. Harry rarely checks his Twitter, but when he does he likes to read the mentions. I didn’t even know if he was even on Twitter, but it was my best bet.

“Someone got this really bad picture of me. I look mentally ill.” Harry said, breaking the silence.

“Oh, that’s too bad.” I responded quickly and suspiciously. Which caught both Harry’s and Niall’s attention.

“Uh, are you ok?” Harry asked, glancing back and forth from me to his phone. If he looked at that phone one more time, I was going to explode. So, I did my best to distract him.

“Yeah, babe, I’m just fine.” I relaxed my voice and walked towards the chair he was sitting in. I grabbed his face with both of my hands and kissed him. I mean, really kissed him. A kiss he wouldn’t and couldn’t ignore. I sat on his lap and kissed him again. Then again, and again. He tossed his phone to the bed and then kissed me back.

“Ok, I’m out.” Niall said, feeling uncomfortable. I was glad that he was. That’s how it should be. For a moment, I forgot that people knew about our kiss, I forgot that everything was going to get bad. I didn’t know when, but there was no doubt it was going to. The door clicked closed and I snapped out of my thoughts.

“Babe, I’ll be right back ok?” I looked at Harry who was lustfully looking back at me. He bit his lip which made me crazy inside. I gave him another kiss before running to catch up with Niall.

He was just opening his door when he turned around and saw me. I was pissed that he had just forgotten what happened last night then had the obnoxious nerves to act like everything was hunky dory.

“Hey E—” Before he had time to finish his sentence, I had pushed him into his room forcefully. I closed the door hard behind us. Before going on a rampage, I made sure that his computer was nowhere to be found and of all things make sure that it wasn’t facing us. Not that I was interested in kissing him again. I had already established the fact that that was the biggest mistake and I wasn’t here to make another.

“What the fuck, Niall?!” I started. “Have you seen Twitter this morning? Do you know what you’ve done? What did you do? Because I’m not even sure what’s going on. Was that your plan the whole time? To get me to help you with Twitcam and then kiss me in front of the whole goddamn world?” I yelled. I was so angry and I wanted to say so much more but I was getting choked up just thinking of what Harry is going to say when he finds out.

“What are you talking about?” Niall replied shortly, acting completely clueless.

“Everyone saw our kiss last night. I’ve been getting a ton of tweets about it. The only way they could have seen that was through the twitcam which I know I didn’t broadcast. So it had to be you!” I snapped. He spaced out, looking at the ground for a few long seconds and then realized what he had done. He must have not known that he did that.

“I didn’t mean to! I swear! I typed the tweet and I hit enter, I didn’t know! Have you seen the video? There has to be one up somewhere!” He panicked. That’s when I realized that he was just as terrified as me, if not more. He and Harry are bandmates, no more than just that. They’re like brothers. Niall rushed over to his suitcase and pulled out his laptop. After waking it up from sleep mode, Niall typed away at YouTube, skipping over the Twitter tab that was already opened from last night. “What do I search?” Niall asked, looking back up at me.

“Uh, search Niall’s Twitcam and then yesterday’s date. Do you really think the video will be up already?” I asked and my question was answered. The page loaded with videos of the twitcam from last night. Niall clicked the first one and waited patiently for it to load.

Diary of a Worldwide Famous Band Member's Girlfriend - Summer '12Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora