May 30th - 9:20 am - 1D Tour Stop - New York

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The obnoxious alarm on my phone began to sound right in the middle of my dream about me starting this crazy new trend that seemed ridiculous at first but ended up being quite fashionable. I slid the lock on my phone to stop the ringing then rubbed my eyes. Yesterday was a long day and I still wasn't quite sure as to why I had set my alarm for so early. Then a knock on my door reminded me.

"Morning sunshine!" I heard Harry from outside of the door.

"Go away, I'm still sleeping." I threw a pillow at the door as if it would actually accomplish anything.

"Babe, seriously, wake up. We're leaving in a half an hour." Harry toned down to his serious voice. "Would you let me in so I don't have to scream our business throughout the whole floor?"

I slowly crawled out of bed and slumped to the door. I turned the handle quickly then ran back to my bed and threw myself under the covers. After a hard crash last night, I knew for a fact I did not look my best.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked with a chuckle.

"I'm tired and I don't look good. Go away." I pulled the cover even further up and tucked it far under my body. Harry then began to pull them away from me. Some unfamiliar noise escaped me and I wasn't quite sure what it was. He finally got the covers off and stood there and stared at his work. He didn't stop there, however. Continuing to bother me, he decided it would be fun if he picked me up, threw me on his shoulders, and threatened to throw me in the shower.

"I swear if you don't put me down, Harry--" I started.

"Only if you get up and pack all your stuff back up so we can go." He proposed. I laid there on his shoulder for a second as I thought.

"Fine, just please put me down. Your shoulder isn't the comfiest place to be." I complained. Harry walked me back to the bed and threw me down causing me to bounce back up a bit. Then before I knew it, Harry's face was down at mine looking me in the eyes. I waited there for him to lean down and kiss me but he was taking forever. Soon he began to giggle at our closeness. Taking matters into my own hands I reached up from my laying position to give him a long kiss. A warm one as usual. "How am I supposed to get ready with you in here bothering me and teasing me and harassing me?" I slipped away from him grabbing my outfit that I planned then laid out on the TV stand the night before and went into the bathroom to change. My choice for today was a plain white button shirt with half sleeves and a pair of jean shorts. Simple was all I was aiming for. All I could think about while I was in there was Harry. He was so perfect to me that sometimes I couldn't help myself.

I walked out of the bathroom, changed, and see Harry putting away everything I took out of my bag, back into it. I stopped and smiled at the sight. "See this is how it's supposed to be." I teased, joining him. We pretty much just threw anything we found into my bag. Normally, I'd complain about that method but this time it was fun. As Harry was putting my shoes back, I grabbed the pair of white sandals from him because they matched my shirt. I tossed the beige flats I wore last night in there and zipped it up.

"Is that everything?" Harry asked, placing his hands on his hips like he just did after an intense workout.

"Looks like it." I said. I walked around the room to make sure everything was picked up and after I saw that it was clean, I picked up my purse in one hand and took my suitcase in the other. "Where's your luggage?"

"Paul and Preston took care of all our luggage." Harry answered, taking my suitcase from out of my hand. I gave him a sort of dirty look because I could do that on my own and fans will definitely judge me for looking snobby.

We took the elevator straight from our floor because it didn't matter anymore because we were leaving anyway. On the way down, Harry looked at me and I looked back. We exchanged a few flirty glances and a few silly ones. The elevator dinged for the lobby and I grabbed at my suitcase.

"Nope. I got it." Harry said, snatching the handle faster than I could.

"Harry, I'm completely capable to do it myself. Next thing you know, you'll have someone carrying me around." I scolded, rolling my eyes.

"No, I got that too." Suddenly, my feet were no longer on the floor and I was slung over Harry's shoulder. As Harry made his way into the lobby, I could see that the boys, Danielle, and Eleanor were all laughing at this sight. "We're ready to go." Harry said, with a bit of a smile. Thinking Harry would put me down, he continued to walk closer to the door with me still over his shoulder.

The screaming girls got louder and I knew now that Harry was not going to put me down. So, I just went with it. We were finally outside and the screams got terrifyingly loud and high-pitch. I heard everyone's name called at least once. I heard a bunch of laughter, assuming it was at me, I looked up and waved and smiled. As Harry approached the bus, he finally put me down while laughing at me. I smacked him with my purse and straightened up myself.

"You're lucky I wasn't wearing a skirt."


10:43 am

"Finally, I was thinking we were gonna miss our flight." Niall said sounding the least bit worried.

"Yeah we could tell you were biting your nails there." Louis sassed back.

"So who's sitting where again?" I asked El who was sitting next to me on the couch in the tour bus.

"Well there are two seats together closer to the front of the plane where either you and Harry could sit or Louis and I could sit. Or there's a row of three seats together a little further back where Niall would sit with whoever decided to not take the seats up front." El explained thoroughly.

"Ok, we'll take the three seats then. Harry won't mind." I winked at her knowing that Harry would completely mind.

"Alright, next flight you two can have the two seats alone." She winked back and got up as the bus stopped in front of the airport gate we were flying with. She walked up to Louis and I assumed she was telling him that the seats were their's.

We all got out and were commanded by Paul to stay on the curb while all the luggage was taken out. Harry draped his arm around me, then pulled me close for a tight hug. His cologne was so fragrant and so nice smelling that I hated pulling away. He leaned down and gave me a peck kiss. I noted his outfit today; plain dark blue short sleeve shirt with his dark wash jeans and converse. After pulling out of his grasp, Harry grabbed the green material from his back pocket and shook it into shape. Then he pulled it over his head, looking at me with a cute squinty face.

The luggage was finally all out and then left with the management team to get it all on the plane. Paul and the rest of the security team told us to stay together and not wander off because we were running late and we didn't want to leave anyone behind. Although that would be funny. We all placed bets on who would be the one left behind. Harry and I both said Niall as did, El and Lou. Zayn said Liam. Danielle and Liam said Zayn.

The whole group neared the section where all of the fans were lined up leaving only about 7 feet of pathway to walk through. Again, I heard everyone's name being called. I responded as much as I could to all the appropriate questions even though I heard some rude ones. Harry took hold on my hand, neatly interlacing his fingers with mine. To comfort me, he rubbed his thumb against the side of my hand and thumb. That always managed to give me the chills, but I enjoyed it.

After passing through the crowd of mostly girls and some of their irritated fathers, we finally made it through security. The whole crew took about twenty minutes, luckily we had ten to spare when we finally got to our gate. 

Harry and I stood a little further away from the crowd as we held each other.

"I could get used to all this traveling." I winked at him.

"Yeah?" He started. "I like it when you're here with me." He finished with a kiss on my forehead. I placed my hand into his back pocket which I know he had a weakness for and his facial expression showed it. 

"Harry, Emma. Time to board." Paul said, ruining our moment. I took my hand out of his pocket and started to walk back towards the group. Harry's hand hovered my waist, where it sent chills running up and down my back. I turned around to him and made an excited face and motion with my hands as we walk into the tunnel to the plane.

"Enjoy your flight!"

Diary of a Worldwide Famous Band Member's Girlfriend - Summer '12Where stories live. Discover now