May 31st - 10:12 am - 1D Tour Stop - Chicago

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I was woken up by the feeling of something lightly squeezing my side. I was a light sleeper and anything could wake me up; no matter the amount of disturbance it caused. Letting my eyes flutter open, I was nicely greeted by a pair of green eyes looking down at me. Immediately, I smiled remembering where I was.

"Morning, sleepy." Harry said, peering deeply into my eyes. He stood there for another second and then kissed my forehead. My eyes squinted as he lips pressed against my skin. Harry's lips never failed at being soft and warm.

"Morning." I smiled and kicked at the covers to get them off of me. I usually have a hard time getting to sleep in hotels but with Harry's company, it was easier this time. I stretched every muscle in body that resulted in looking quite weird, but it felt fantastic. Harry started chuckling in front of the mirror when he saw my strange movements. "Oh shut up." I pulled the sheets back over myself and decided I hadn't gotten quite enough sleep. As I began to easily drift off again, a heavy figure laid itself on top of me. It peeled back the covers exposing my face and his.

"Get up!" Harry demanded while wearing a smile.

"Get off me." I kicked at him and he made a face. "Seriously, get off." I switched my facial expression from kidding to serious. Harry got off then tore the covers away.

"Paul wants us downstairs by 11." He stated bluntly.

"Maybe if you start off with things like that, I would get up faster. Don'tcha think?" I asked.

"I was just trying to be nice." Harry quickly responded. I got up and jumped into his arms which he wasn't expecting at all.

"I'm sorry, babe. I'm just...not a morning person." I smiled and wrapped my legs around his torso and his arms supported my body. As soon as his hands slid down to right above my bum, flashbacks of last night came back. I went off into a daze and I started hearing his laugh again, and seeing his smile.

"Em? Emma? You in there?" Harry's voice shook me out of my trance and I smiled at him. I needed to stop thinking the things I was thinking and start paying more attention to the boyfriend I have that's always been there for me. Before either of us knew it, my lips had attacked his and his were attacking right back. We were so into it that Harry had stumbled back into the wall for more support. One of his hands grabbed my face and kept it in touch with his. When Harry's tongue slid gently into my mouth, I knew that if I didn't stop now, something serious was going to happen, and I wasn't quite ready for that. On that note, I pulled away, catching my breath. Out of nowhere, a laugh escaped my mouth and soon enough Harry's joined in. I unraveled my legs and slid down to the floor so I was standing. 

"Save that for tonight." Harry winked at me and gave me a short kiss on the lips. He walked into the bathroom and I followed watching him eye himself in the mirror, perfecting his look. He shook his hair with his head down and swept it to the side. He caught me smiling at his process and smiled back at me. "When are you getting ready?"

I had almost forgot that we were on a time schedule and I rushed to my suitcase to pick out an outfit. I quickly decided on a tie fronted plaid shirt that was pink and blue and denim cutoff shorts to pair with it. I always dress myself according to Harry's outift. He was dressed very casually with a light blue v-neck, his dark wash jeans, and his converse.

"Can you possibly stop checking yourself out maybe and get out of the bathroom?" I snapped at him.

"Wow, fiesty." He replied to my sassy request.

"Sorry, I just don't want to be late. It's nothing personal, babe." He walked out and I shut the door so I could block out any distractions. I needed a distraction from a lot of things, but mostly my thoughts.

11:03 -

Harry and I rushed down to the lobby because we were slacking three minutes. When we finally reached it, we hurried out and met the whole group where we usually did; a corner with two big chairs and a plant in between them. Paul gave us an accepting look as he raised his eyebrows. Both Harry and I gave him an apologetic one back.

"So here's the deal: we're going to let you guys take pictures and sign autographs for 15 minutes with everyone outside. Try to make it around everybody and make it fair. At 11:20, we're boarding the van and going to Navy Pier." Paul informed us, making eye contact with each one of us. What this meant was that Eleanor, Danielle, and I were going to have to stand off at the sides watching the boys be attacked and mauled by other girls. It's not like we got jealous, it's just annoying after a while.

We went outside and the girls began to scream while Paul told them to calm down or they weren't going to meet the boys. Harry stood by my side and held my hand tight. I looked up and him and gave him a squeeze. He took notice of my facial expression and dismissed it by giving me a kiss on the top of my head which made the array of girls, gasp and admire the sight.

Paul called the boys over and so began the process of many pictures and signings. A few times, while the fans were waiting for their precious seconds with the boys, El, Dani, and I were asked a few questions. When we answered them, the girls appeared to be taking serious mental notes. It was cute to know that we were some girl's inspiration and role model.

Finally, the boys came to a finish. Harry smirked at me and grabbed my hand as soon as he was close enough to. When Paul came to us, he nudged us to get into the black van that was parked in the turn-around. As we started to walk, Harry dropped my hand and draped that arm over my shoulder. Since my hand was just left there to hang, I wrapped it around his muscular torso and held on tight.

"You're gonna love Navy Pier." I told Harry.

"Yeah?" He asked, smiling and revealing his dimples.

"Yeah." I smiled back.

"Good. By the way, those shorts look good on you." Harry complimented me as I walked up the narrow stairs into the van, ahead of him. I could feel his eyes on my butt and I was tempted to shake it, but I had to remind myself to keep the inappropriate levels to a minimum.

I was stopped at the first stair, as everyone piled in and figured out their seating. Instead of waiting on the ground where there was plenty of room, Harry walked on to my step and enveloped me in his arms so that there was no room for escape. I tried to wriggle out, even though I knew it was pointless, and Harry laughed at my failed attempt. After squirming, Harry leaned down and gave me a kiss. I expected to just kiss back quickly, but found myself kissing him back with more force than intended.

After drawing back from it, Harry winked at me. "Wow, what's with you today?"

I shot him a flirty glance but felt another pair of eyes watching. I continued to smile as I looked to left where I saw a pair of blue eyes and blonde hair to match it, watching us intently. His face was drowned in jealousy and sadness. Emotions flooded within me and my heart pounded harder where I could feel it in my chest. I felt as if I was cheating on Niall, like I was having an affair with Harry and I was caught in the act. I know I shouldn't have felt this way but it was something I had been feeling a lot lately and it needed to stop.

Harry took lead in front of me and looked for somewhere to sit. There were at least two spots that him and I could have sat alone at, but he walks right where I knew I didn't want to sit.

"Hey, Niall. You excited about today?" Harry asked him taking the seat at the window, leaving me directly in the middle of both of them. I watched Niall's expression completely change.

"Yeah, man. Should be interesting." He replied, very bluntly. What was that supposed to mean? What was Niall going to pull and would I have any way to avoid it because lately, I've found myself right in the middle of this mess with no way out.

Diary of a Worldwide Famous Band Member's Girlfriend - Summer '12Where stories live. Discover now