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For the past few days the media has been going crazy about this situation. Every article, every newspaper was talking about it. We had to stop filming stranger things for a week because I couldn't even get out of my house because of all the paparazzi.

               Article from buzzfeed

Some Shocking news has occurred on the internet recently. 16 year old Jacob Sartotius and 14 year old Fallon Jolie were in a arranged relationship forced by both of their fathers. Both of the men are now currently in jail and they will be spending many more years there for forcing two kids to be in a relationship.

We also found out that while the two were in their 'relationship' Jacob wasn't being the best 'boyfriend'. Miss Jolie would get often abused by Sartotius and have stuff done to her without her permission. Jacob Sartotius will now be going to juvenile for the next few years and he will no longer be allowed to come back to his Singing/acting career again. We're guessing that this is officially the end for young Jacob and his music career. Nobody ever expected this from him.

Poor Fallon is getting all the support she can from all of the stranger things cast who she is extremely close to and all of her family and friends. Her mom Angelina Jolie posted a throwback  picture of Fallon when she was 6 and captioned it 'My little girl, I will never let anyone hurt you again I love you' for what she replied 'I love you mom, thank you'.
Angelina really is the perfect mother!

Fallon hasn't posted on any social media for the past 2 weeks, we all understand she needs space And we all hope that she feels better and can come back from this stronger than ever,
We all love you Fal!xo

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