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I woke up and Noah's arms were wrapped around my waist. He was still asleep and he looked so peaceful and cute. At that moment I realised how lucky I was to have someone like him in my life. Everyday I fell for him even more and more, I was ready to take it to the next step, but I wasn't sure if he wanted to start dating or not.

He opened his eyes slowly and looked at me.
"Why are you staring at me?" He asks In his sexy groany voice.
"Cause your so hot" I said laughing
"Well I'm charmed" he says putting his hand to his chest.
"Today we're going on a date so you better start getting ready soon" he said
Date? What did this mean
"Should I dress fancy" I ask
"Ye, I mean if you want. I don't care if you go in a plastic bag you'll still look beautiful" he said
I awed.
"You're too nice Noah Schnapp"
I kiss him on the cheek then get up to go to the bathroom.

I quickly ran to Millie and Sadie's hotel room and jumped on their bed.
"Morning, what's the emergency" Sadie groans
"Noah is taking me on a date today. I need help from you two!" I shout in panic
"Oh-my-god. Foah really is real" Millie said
"Will you help me get ready?"
"Of course!" They both shout in unison then we all start laughing.

After having a shower I dry my hair. Sadie straightens my hair and Millie does my makeup. I only had a few dresses packed. I decided to wear a light pink strapless dress. I put it on for the first time as it was new and it actually looked so good. It definitely showed off my figure.

"Wow I'm speechless" Sadie said
"You look hot" Millie said
"Are you sure I look good?" I ask
"Yes!" They both shout
"Okay I think I'm ready"

We hear a knock at the door. I go to open it.
Noah was stood there in his tux look gorgeous.
"You look great Noah" I said shyly
"And You- You-look-beautiful" he said smiling
He gets his hand out and says "shall we?" And we both link hands.
"Have fun kids!" Finn shouts opening the door of his room
"Thanks Finnster" I said smiling at him

We got into the car and the shofar drove us somewhere. It was already night.
"Where are we going then?" I ask curious
"You'll see soon" he said.
To be honest Noah looked more nervous than me. That's unusual because it's usually me who panics more at moments like this.

The car finally stopped. Noah got out first then grabbed my hand and helped me get out of the car.
"What a gentlemen" I said
"Why, thank you" he said

There was one paparazzi. I don't even know how he found us but it sort of made my mood go down. I didn't really care if he was taking photos right now though.

We walked inside and up little steps. It was a little restaurant. But nobody was there. Just the waitress. There were candles and roses everywhere and just one table in the middle.
"Aww Noah this is actually so cute"
"I'm glad you like it" he smiled

He must've really thought this through.
Slow music was playing quietly and we got our food. While eating we were talking about all sorts of stuff. He made a few jokes which made me laugh. We finished our food and The song 'a thousand years' came on.
Noah stands up
"Wanna dance" he says getting his hand out
"Of course"

We both go on the dance floor. He wraps his arms around my waist and I wrap my hands around his neck. We slowly rocked from side to side. My head was leaning on his shoulder. I wish we could stay like this forever.
I lift my head up and just look at him for a moment.

"I'm just gonna go to the toilet" he says running off somewhere.
What the fuck.

So he just left me there all by myself on the dance floor, couldn't the toilet wait? Was he that desperate?

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