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Today we were back on the Stranger things set filming episode 6 out of the 10.
"So how's filming IT?" Millie asks while we were all sat round the table eating pizza
"It's amazing" I said
"She's taking all my IT cast friends away from me" Finn says fake crying and we all burst out laughing.
"Aw is baby Finn gonna cry" I said
He crossed his Arms like a little kid but then started laughing with the rest of us

I went to grab a piece of pizza but then Noah grabs it at the same time and we both touch hands. 
How awkward.

"Oh sorry" I said looking up at him
"No take it it's fine" he said looking at me too
We both just looked each other in the eyes for a moment then I just decide to take the pizza.
                        So awkward...

I didn't even realise everyone was staring at us and everyone went silent until now. Oh god.
"Sooo" Gaten says
"What scene are we filming now?" I ask
"The will and Darcy kissing scene" Caleb says scratching his head.
"Oh" I said
"Okay everyone on set!"  Ross shouts.

I knew jack wouldn't mind me kissing him because he knows it's professional but I was scared. I mean me and Noah aren't really on speaking terms right now and  it's already awkward enough between us.

I went to my space on set where I was supposed to be and Noah did too.
We heard a sign to tell us that they stared filming so I start saying my lines.
"Will I know you've been having a rough time these past few days, or should I say years... but you know that you can count on me anytime"
*Darcy grabs Will's hand
"Thank you Darcy"
*they both stare into each other's eyes for a moment then both lean in and gently kiss

That kiss. I felt complete again. I don't feel this good when kissing Jack. It was amazing just like all the other kisses me and Noah shared. He didn't like me anyway and well I was supposed to like jack. But I feel like he's more of a brother to me more than a boyfriend sometimes. I felt so bad because I was basically using Jack to get over Noah. Noah didn't like me But that kiss was so passionate that I couldn't help but feel differently this time.

"Umm you guys can stop now" Matt says again

We finally end the kiss not realising that the scene already ended. I saw everyone staring at us kind of worried.

"That was great guys" One of the women producers say.
I quickly run off set confused.

I was sat in my changing room when I heard a knock on the door. It was Finn.
"Oh hey Finn" I said
"Hey Fallon you were great while filming that scene" he said
"Yeah Thanks" I managed to give him a little smile.
"But you know that that kiss was more than just acting. You still like him don't you?"
"I don't know Finn. It doesn't matter anyway he'll never like me back. But I feel bad because maybe I was just using Jack to try and get over Noah... but it's not really working" I said
"I love you Fallon but you need to do what's right, you can't keep hurting Jack like that"
"I know Finn and I'm sorry for hurting your best friend like that, you know I really didn't mean to, should I break up with him?" I ask
"If you don't like him then you can't keep going on like that, he'll understand Fal"
"Thank you Finnster" I said hugging him

I knew I had to do what's right.

*knock knock
"Oh hey Jack" Finn says scratching his head
"Hey" I said seeing Jack come in surprisingly
"Hey babe I came to see how you were doing"
I look at Finn to say that I'm going to talk to him now
"I need to go now anyway, I'll catch you later dude" Finn says walking out

"Jack we need to talk" I said
"Okay" he says sitting down next to me
"You're breaking up with me" he finishes
"Wait how did you know?" I ask surprised
"I overheard your conversation with Finn"
"Honestly it's okay Fallon"
"No it's not Jack, you're such a lovely guy and you deserve to have a great girlfriend, I'm really sorry I don't feel the same way about you as you do about me and I'm sorry for using you I didn't mean to" I said tears filled my eyes
"It's not your fault if you don't like me, If you like Noah just tell him, you've been a great girlfriend by the way and Noah is a lucky guy that a beautiful girl like you likes him" Jack says. I hug him. I was so shocked at how understanding Jack was.

"Are we still friends Jack?"
"Best friends" Jack says Smiling at me and I smiled back
"Anyways I've got to go now, I'll see you soon"
"See you" I say while he walks out

That scene was the last scene we filmed for today so I got changed into my normal clothes and put my hair into a messy bun. I looked into the mirror and realised that my eyes were all red form crying.

I quickly walked out hoping nobody would see me but everyone was still there and they all looked at me.
I heard them all say bye to me while I walked out. I quickly said bye to them Trying not to look at them because I didn't want them seeing me cry.

Noah's POV

"What's up with her?" Joe asks.
"Oh it doesn't matter" Finn says
So he obviously knew what was the matter
"I'm the father here and I want to know what's happened to one of my daughters" Joe Keery says looking very serious then starting to laugh
"No but seriously what happened to Fallon" Joe asks
"Her and Jack broke up" Finn said
That really shocked me. I thought they were really happy together. What happened? Did he get mad because we kissed? No it couldn't be. He knows that it was for the scene.

I'm not going to lie I really liked the kiss. I missed kissing her. I still like Fallon nothing changed, that night at the party the alcohol took over me and I was getting jealous over Fallon and Jack getting close and started acting stupid. I was such a jerk.

"Why?" I asked
"Well maybe you should ask her that Noah" Finn says looking a bit worried.

I didn't know whether to speak to her or not. She still hated me. But that kiss felt like it meant something to both of us.

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