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Wednesday 5:31 PM

me: hey, i saw your flyer about tutoring sessions for like $12/hour

nam???: what

nam???: that flyer was from like 5 years ago

me: oh-

me: weLL YOU SHoulD'Ve thRowN thEm aWAY

nam???: i thought i did

nam???: where did you even find the flyer

me: ...

me: by this dumpster

nam???: whAt

me: look nam something, my buddy, my friend, can you pleeasse tutor me

me: i am desperate

me: i am poor and desperate

me: help a bro out

nam???: even if i want to, i don't think i can

nam???: i get really busy a lot

me: it's okay

me: it doesn't have to be like actual sessions through video or in person

me: you can just be my school helper text buddy tutor person who i can text when i have questions

nam???: okay fine

me: wait, really?

me: what is your name?

me: the flyer said nam and then it got cut off

nam???: you can just call me nam then

me: okay nam

me: you're namazing

namtutor: namazing?

me: yes

me: alright namtutor, my first question

me: what are integers?

namtutor: no wait, what is your name

me: oh, my name is ironic

me: it's hyejin

namtutor: how is it ironic

me: it means bright and intelligent, and i am dull and dumb

namtutor: nooOoO don't say that

me: well i just did mister namteacher

namtutor: you're just gonna keep making these nam names aren't you

me: yes yes

me: now pleAse eXplAiN whAt iNtEgErs are plS

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