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Thursday 8:21 AM

namfriend: good morning hyejin, i hope you slept well

Thursday 9:34 AM

me: hi namfriend!

me: i have to go to work but then i'm hopefully going to hang out with that guy!!

namfriend: what do you mean hopefully?

me: he hasn't answered me after canceling yesterday but we have plans tonight

namfriend: what

me: he's probably studying really hard

me: what have you been doing?

namfriend: oh, just some work :)

me: are you having fun?

namfriend: yes, it's very fun

me: i'm glad :)

me: okay, i have to start my shift but i'll text you later!!

namfriend: work hard hyejin :)

Thursday 4:49 PM

me: namfriend :(

namfriend: what's wrong?

me: he didn't show up

namfriend: what??

namfriend: have you tried like uh texting or calling him?

me: yeaaah but he leaves me on read or doesn't pick up

me: but enough about me :')

me: how was your day

namfriend: it was good :)

namfriend: are you doing alright hyejin?

me: yeaah

me: but i'm a little sad right now

namfriend: can i do anything to cheer you up?

me: no, you don't need to

me: i'm going to watch namjoon videos on youtube ^-^

namfriend: should i leave you to it?

me: noooo

me: unless you need to go

namfriend: no, i'm free for a while :)

me: okay good

me: tell me more stories about your friends

namfriend: once one of my friends left kiwis in the egg shelf and my other friend got scared because he thought the eggs grew fur

me: hahahahaha

me: i feel like i've heard that story before but that's so funny

namfriend: do you have any stories?

me: only about me

namfriend: i want to hear some

me: i really wanted to watch a show on tv when i was younger so i thought if i moved the clock's hands forward, the show would start sooner

namfriend: that's so cute

namfriend: and you're still cute

namfriend: any more?

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