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Friday 2:43 PM

me: hey ay ayyy

me: do you know how to do chemistry?

Friday 3:52 PM

namtutor: i know a little

me: okay! great!

me: maybe you can help me with this problem

Friday 6:11 PM

namtutor: my knowledge in chemistry is only basic

me: aw man

me: okay

me: maybe someone posted the answers online

namtutor: you take chemistry?

me: yeaah

me: i'm suffering

namtutor: what are you majoring in?

me: pharmacology

Friday 10:32 PM 

namtutor: you like medicine?

me: i like money

me: 💸🤑

namtutor: is that the only reason?

me: and i like the idea of helping people not die

namtutor: oooh

namtutor: that's nice

me: are you in college?

namtutor: yeah i am

me: you must go to like SNU

namtutor: no i don't actually

me: whoa no

me: i don't believe that

namtutor: ahaha i don't

namtutor: i chose my career over my education

me: you must really like your career

me: do you make a lot of money?

namtutor: i'm comfortable

me: that's what people making a lot of money say

namrich: do you have a job?

me: yeaah

me: i'm a barista

me: i'm a broke barista

namrich: where does the money you make go?

me: bills, bts, food and stuff like that

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