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Sunday 10:32 PM

namfriend: hey hyejin

me: hiii

namfriend: how are you

me: omg guess what

namfriend: what

me: i was at my school's cafe and this guy gave me his number

me: isn't that wild?

me: a girl like me getting someone's number

namfriend: how is that wild?

me: because!!!

me: remember, i'm very very dumb and dumb people don't get numbers

me: get with the game namslow!!

namfriend: you're not dumb hyejin :(

me: i'm certainly not smart

namfriend: we've been through this hyejin

namfriend: come on!

namfriend: get with the game hyejin!!

me: did you just use my own words against me

namfriend: maybe i did

me: that is eXtra mean >:(

namfriend: etuc

me: what?

namfriend: so are you going to call the guy

me: i donno, maybe

me: he could the one

me: by hannah montana

namfriend: i'm more of a FRIENDS type of guy

me: everyone is more like a FRIENDS type of guy

me: okay, maybe not everyone

me: what are you doing namfriend

namfriend: i'm just doing some work :)

me: oh nooo

me: i'm sorry

me: i should've asked you if you're busy before i started a WHOLE conversation

namfriend: what, noooo

namfriend: i wanted to start a conversation with you

me: why

namfriend: because you're cute

namfriend: and it's fun conversing with you

me: i think namjoon is cute

namfriend: well i think you're cute

me: that's what that guy said in the cafe

me: i know he was lying

namfriend: maybe he wasn't

me: i can feel it in my gut that he was messing with me

namfriend: call him and see if he was

me: but that's scary

namfriend: i'm sure you'll be fine :)

me: okay

Sunday 11:13 AM

me: i called

namfriend: and what happened

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