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Friday 3:01 PM

me: hi namtutor

me: i need namhelp

me: hA did you like what i did there

me: okay, i'll leave

Friday 6:23 PM

namrich: what do you need help with?

me: if someone were to metaphorically steal money from an atm, how much trouble would they be in

namrich: you want to rob an atm?


namrich: lol can't you search this up?

me: yes but i want to confirm with you

namrich: i'm assuming a lot of trouble

me: damn it

namrich: why do you want to rob an atm


namrich: why does this person want to rob an atm

me: to buy tickets for a luxurious performance from some high-class men

namrich: i see

me: oh and speaking of money, how much do i owe you?

namrich: ah, i don't think you need to pay me actually

me: but that's not fair for you

me: i've wasted so much of your time

namrich: i wouldn't say wasted and it's not fair for me to charge you for such little things

namrich: i haven't done that much for you

me: :(

me: but you've helped me a lot

namrich: :)

namrich: don't worry about it

namrich: and didn't you say you don't have that much money

me: that makes me feel bad

me: let me pay you

namrich: hyejin its fine lol

namrich: i don't really need the money anyways

me: you're too nice

me: where do you work, i'll personally deliver the money to you

namrich: i said it's fine! :)

me: but

namrich: it's okay

me: ugh

me: oh and can you help with this math question

namrich: yes, of course

me: what does y=wheredoyouwork mean

namrich: i told you it's fine! lol

me: urgh

me: you're too smart

namrich: ahaha

namrich: you are too

me: lies

Friday 11:23 PM

namrich: give yourself more credit

namrich: if you weren't smart, you would've asked more questions

namrich: and your questions are never over the same topic or things, it's a different type of question each time which means you understand more than you think

me: :(((

me: sTOp beING so nice

me: and i don't ask the same questions because i don't want to bother you more

namrich: okay fine

namrich: you're in college now, that means you are smart enough to pass your classes and graduate

me: barely

namrich: but you still did :)


namrich: :)

namrich: and don't worry about bothering me, you never bother me :)

me: can i marry you

namrich: what

me: i need you in my life for motivation

namrich: ahahaha

namrich: that's so cute

me: hahaha not

namrich: who are the people you want to get tickets for?

me: bts 

me: they're having a concert soon

namrich: you want to see them?

me: yes, at least once in my lifetime :')

me: it's getting late

me: you should go to bed!!

namrich: you should too, it's okay for me to stay up late

me: okay i will

me: byeeeeee

namrich: lol, goodnight


a/n - yeah so, i republished the book but i'm sorry this is such a bad comeback lol

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