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Wednesday 9:12 AM

namfriend: good morning hyejin :)

me: hi namfriend!

me: have you eaten breakfast yet?

namfriend: i had a small breakfast before i left for work

me: that sucks to work so early :(

namfriend: it's what i signed up for

me: hey! are you texting and driving?

me: that's illegal

me: i will call the police

namfriend: i hope it's the hyejin private police force

me: so you are texting and driving

me: namcriminal!

namfriend: haha i never confirmed i was driving

namfriend: someone else is driving

me: okay good

me: i can't afford to be sued by namrich

me: i'm brokejin

me: you see what a did there?

namfriend: you're so cute wth

me: woof woof

namfriend: what

me: you must think i'm a dog since you always call me cUTE

namfriend: but you are cute hyejin :)

namfriend: what are you doing today?

me: i have to work :/

me: do you like coffee namfriend?

namfriend: i don't hate it

namfriend: you work at a coffee place, right?

me: aw you remember hehe

me: yeah, i have to work all day :/

me: what do you do again?

namfriend: i write songs

me: you do?

me: are you good?

namfriend: people tell me i'm good

me: oh ehe

me: i have to start my shift, i'll talk to you later?

namfriend: have fun at work hyejin :)

Wednesday 2:02 PM

me: hi hi

namfriend: hi hyejin :)

namfriend: what are you doing?

me: i'm on break!

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