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Wednesday 9:23 AM

namfriend: good morning hyejin :)

Wednesday 10:01 AM

me: omg hi

namfriend: how did you sleep?

me: i slept well!!

me: how did you sleep?

me: namfriend ehe

namfriend: i slept well, thank you for asking :)

me: ehehe

me: you're welcome

namfriend: so what are your plans for today?

me: i have to work again :(

namfriend: oh really?

namfriend: what time?

me: from 11:00 to 4:00 :(

namfriend: oh dang

me: how about you?

namfriend: i have some songs i need to work on today

me: omg

me: for the new album?

namfriend: yes for an album

me: that's so exciting omg

namfriend: aha yeah i guess it is

me: i need to go get ready

me: but have a good day namjoon!!

namfriend: thank you

namfriend: you too :)

(Hyejin POV)

My hands are shaking.

It still hasn't settled in that it is THE Namjoon I was texting and I was too dumb to realize that it was him. It's so embarrassing.

I quickly changed into my work uniform and made my way out to the nearby bus stop still thinking about what happened just yesterday. In fact, I was thinking about it so much I almost missed the bus I was supposed to get on. I sat in an empty seat still thinking about how dumb I am.

Soon enough, the bus stopped at my stop and I got off walking towards my work. I greeted my coworkers upon entering and got my apron on.

I spent the next few hours taking orders and making drinks. I was assigned to the register and no one was in line so my mind wandered off to what happened yesterday. The door chimed signaling another customer and I quickly snapped myself back to reality.

"Hello! What can I get for you toda-," I started to say before stopping.

It's Namjoon. Namjoon is here again. Fucking Namjoon is standing in front of me. The Kim Namjoon is in front of me in a mask pulled down and a cap.

Namjoon smiled at me, "Hi Hyejin. I would like an iced coffee."

I stared at him and nodded a little, "Um, okay. Uh, anything else?"

"No that's it," he responded smiling.

I felt my face heat up a little and I smiled back at him, "Oh, um you can pay through here." My hands shakily pointed towards the card machine.

He paid and smiled thanking me before checking if anyone was behind him. Seeing no one was behind him, he lingered in front of me.

"So how's work?" he asked.

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