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Sunday 5:10 PM

me: hey namtutor, quick question

me: can you explain how to do product rule?

Sunday 7:02 PM

namrich: to get the derivative?

me: yes

namrich: um

namrich: how about you give me the question and i'll explain how to do it

me: okay

me: d/dx = (x^2-1)(x+5)

namrich: okay what does u and v equal?

me: where did you get u and v from

namrich: they are just tools to help you sort things out

namrich: u is the first part of the multiplication and the v is for the second

me: oooh, i remember my professor saying something like that

me: u=x^2-1 and v=x+5?

namrich: yes so what is the derivative of u?

me: u'=2x-1?

namrich: 1 is a constant so it is equal to 0

me: u'=2x?

namrich: and v'?

me: v'= 6?

me: no wait, v'= 1

namrich: yes, yes

namrich: good job

namrich: then you use this formula, u'v + uv'

me: i thought it was u(dv/dx) + v(du/dx)

namrich: it's the same thing

me: oooh okay

me: (2x)(x+5) + (x^2-1)(1)

namrich: okay great!

namrich: now simplify it

me: how do i do that

namrich: distribute the 2x and then combine like terms

me: 3x^2+4

namrich: you forgot to distribute the 2x to the 5

me: ooooh wait

me: 3x^2+10x-1?

namrich: wow, you are smart!

me: no, i'm not

me: that was rough

me: i'm going to fail college

namrich: no you won't

me: um yes i will

namrich: i don't believe it

me: well i do

me: hey, do you think the middle part of the oreo is better or the cookie part?

namrich: why do you ask?

me: my friend is insisting that the cookie part is the best but i think it's the middle part

me: idc, the middle is the best and no one can change my mind

namrich: light without darkness, darkness without light

namrich: one can't exist without the other

me:'s just a cookie

me: but that was deep

me: whoa

namrich: ahaha

me: you know, you remind me a lil of namjoon

me: he's smart and he is deep too

namrich: oh i do?

me: yes, you're very similar to him but i'm sure you're not as good looking as him

me: no offense

namrich: none taken

me: have you checked them out yet?

namrich: oh yeah, i have

me: did you turn gay

namrich: ahaha

namrich: was i suppose to?

me: yes, they have the power to make all straight men question their sexuality

namrich: lol they do?

me: yes, it's a fact my dude

namrich: i didn't know it was a fact

me: yes it is

me: oh wait, are you okay with me casually texting you like this or do you want me to stop?

me: i know some people don't like that

namrich: no, i'm fine with it

namrich: but please don't share my number around

me: i won't!

me: it's because you don't want more people to tutor?

namrich: right

me: gr8

me: :)))

me: you're nice

namrich: thank you

namrich: i try my best to be

me: :)


okay, this was rough, i'm sorry to all who didn't like lol

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