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Saturday 10:12 AM

me: good morning!!

me: i hope you slept well!!

namfriend: good morning hyejin :)

namfriend: what do you have planned today?

me: i'm going to the BT21 Line Store and Cafe!!

namfriend: it's really nice there

me: you've been?

me: when did you go?

namfriend: when it first opened

me: really??

me: it must have been so busy

namfriend: yeaaaah aha

namfriend: are you going with anyone?

me: nope!

me: i'm going by myself

namfriend: oh no why?

me: it's not a bad thing!

me: i like being by myself!!

me: what are you doing today?

namfriend: i have some work to do and then i need to pack

me: where are you going?

namfriend: a work trip

me: is it a fun work trip?

namfriend: you could say that

namfriend: i almost forgot, what is the amazing fact about you today?

me: i can lick my elbow

namfriend: you can?


me: i have no more to share

namfriend: yes you do

me: fine

me: maybe i like to put my best effort in my work

namfriend: aw you're so cute

me: you! find! everything! i! do! cute!

namfriend: you're just a cute person

me: >:(

me: oh and what kind of drinks do you and your friends want on tuesday?

namfriend: water

me: i'm being serious!!

namfriend: alright fine, just choose for us

namfriend: we'll appreciate anything!

me: :(

me: that makes it harder

me: fine :(

me: but i'm so excited for today!!!

me: i can buy things and support my babies uwu

namfriend: how do you think you'll react if you ever met bts in person randomly

me: i'll faint

me: or hide

me: and maybe cry

me: you know, the usual things

me: but it'll never happen so i'm fine!!

me: what would you do if you met them?

namfriend: i would keep walking

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