Nanjo Yoshino x famous!Reader

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D/N: dogs name



'Uh, when am I going to fly back home?' I thought a little tired. It was 11pm and I was in my hotel room. I also got sick at my two last performances.

I'm on my "Asia Tour" and at this time I was in the last town. Hokkaido. I sigh and fell forward on my bed. 'I miss her'. Suddenly my door bursted open and I only hear screaming. "Y/N!! What are you doing? Did you you already forget that your flight to japan is taking off in 45 minutes!!"

"WHAT!!" I yelled on the top of my lungs. I ran to my bathroom and packed everything I own in my suitcase.

My manager only sigh and leaves. In 10 minutes I packed all my stuff and ran down to the black car. "Wow, I think it's my new Highscore, haha"

Time skip (0:53am)

Nanjolno's P.O.V

It was around 1am. I was with all 8 members home. We were just having a movie night. When suddenly the door to my and Y/N's home opened.

We stared at the door and Y/N's bodyguard came in with Y/N in his arms, looking pale. Your bodyguard walked towards the other couch and laid her down. I ran into the kitchen and took a towel. I came back and put it on Y/N's head.

I thanked her bodyguard and he left. "Oh looks like someone needs to treat her girlfriend" Kussun said and smirked. The others laughed and I only rolled my eyes and sat down next to Y/N. I put her head into my lap and stroked her hair.

I felt all stares at me and then I blushed. "Wuh Sugoi! You two look so cute together" Ucchi said.

"Maybe we should help you carry

Y/N into your bedroom so she can rest!?" Emitsun suggests. "Yeah let's go!" Rippi yelled. "Shhhhhhh" the other shushed her and Rippi just laughed.

Rippi and Emitsun stood up and helped me carry Y/N into our room. We laid her down and she groaned.

"Thanks, you two" they nodded and left for the living room.

I looked at Y/N and saw her right hand covered in bandages. I took of her shirt and pants. I laid the blankets over her and kissed her forehead. I made sure she's alright and left the room.

As I went down the stairs I already had all the stares at me again. I sat down and smiled. "She's already cooling down from her fever."

Time skip (4:45am)

Y/N's P.O.V

I woke up and looked at my phone. It was still so early. „Uhh!" I groaned. I stood up and stumbled towards the door. I turned on the lights and nearly fell down the stairs.

When I reached the floor again, I sighed that I'm on the ground safely. I went to the fridge and took out a bottle of water. I turned around and smirked brightly when I saw the scene in the living room.

All the girls looked so cute when they're asleep. But the cutest was Nan-Chan. When I looked clearly I saw that 3 of the others, that were Emitsun, Rippi and Kussun, were laying on Nan-Chan's stomach.

I put the bottle down and went to the bathroom. I felt that I'm feeling better when I just saw Nan-Chan. I looked into the mirror and frightened, "Ahhhhhh". I fell to the floor and looked down at me. "W-w-why am I just in my underwear!!".

Then I heard a knock on the door. "Y/N are you in there? Are you ok?" I blushed, "Yeah, yeah I'm fine. One question. Can you bring me some clothes, please?"

"Huh? Wh-y, oh yeah. Wait I get you clothes". I stood up and undid my ponytail and did a new ponytail. As I did I felt a sting in my hand. I looked and saw my right hand covered in bandages. 'Why' I thought.

Then I remembered...


Y/N's P.O.V

I smirked as I went to the side of the stage to drink something. I took the glass and drank something. I wanted to put it back, but I got dizzy and the glass fell to the floor. The glass broke into pieces. I bent down to gather it together but I cut my hand. I winced and hide it with my bandana.

After the concert I went to my hotel room and took out bandages.

Flashback ends

"Y/N/N, I have some clothes". I unlocked the door and stood infront of Nan-Chan. "Thanks, and sorry that I woke you up". She began to laugh and said "Oh don't be. I'm just happy that you're healthy again" she stood on her top toes and kissed me.

We frightened as we heard barks. We looked down and saw D/N. I laughed and said "Yeah yeah, we stop kissing infront t of you" and bend down to her/him.

D/N ran upstairs. I looked at Nan-Chan, took her right hand and dragged her to the living room. I sat down on the place where Nan-Chan was and laid her down on my lap. I smiled and began to fall asleep.

Nan-Chan's P.O.V

I pouted as Y/N fell asleep. I placed my right hand on her cheek and kissed her and fell asleep in her neck.



Hey! Sorry that it took so long but my school stuff is just horrible hard and I struggle in one subject and so yeah I hope you liked this chapter^^.

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