jealous!Aida Rikako x popular!famous!Reader

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Request by: @Calista240205

!!!thanks for the request!!!


You're voicing another school idol from the same school as Aqours.

(Aoi Mei)


Y/H/S/N: Yours and hers ship name


Y/N's P.O.V

"CHIKAAAAAA-SAN!!!" I screamed as I ran after Anchan. We together are playing a scene where Mei is going to (nearly) kill Chika. "WHY??

RIKO-SAN HELP MEEEEEE!!" Anchan screamed. I laughed in my head and looked over to Rikako and noticed that she kinda glared at Anchan. Then I looked back.

I ran and tried to grab her by the hem of her shirt but suddenly Anchan tripped and we nearly fell off the stage.

Some fans laughed but some gasp. We stood up and showed them that we're okay. Then I put on my 'creepy' expression and screamed "YOU'RE DEAD". Anchan looked surprised but started running again in the direction of Rikako.

She jumped behind Rikako and I couldn't stop running and bumped into her. We fell and I felt something soft on my lips. I slowly opened my eyes only to stare into Rikyako's beautiful eyes. I pulled away and stood up and helped her. The scene ends here so they went back and I would start singing Mei's songs.

The lights turned off and a staff handed me my guitar. Then the lights turned on and I saw a very colorful view and started singing.

(only with a guitar)

It was the first time I have ever played guitar and sang on stage so I started to cry a little bit as the fans started to sing with me. Suddenly the lights started to get brighter and brighter.


Rikyako's P.O.V

When we went backstage all the members started to shout

"Y/H/S/N". I started to blush. In the first place I was jealous of Anchan and Y/N because they always play together and that Riko and Mei never had a scene where they play guitar and piano.

Suddenly I was brought out of my thoughts as the music stopped playing and the fans were shouting things like "WHAT?!" and

"I SHIP IT!!".

I looked over to a screen where we saw Y/N standing there doing nothing but blushing and shaking.

Suddenly I was grabbed by Aikyan and King.

Y/N's P.O.V

As I looked at the big screen the staff showed the scene where Rikyako and I kissed. I started blushing. Suddenly the stage was pulled down and Anchan and Shukashuu came on the stage. I was blind folded and dragged away. (You were standing on the middle stage)

3rd P.O.V

Rikyako was dragged onto the stage and saw how Y/N was being blind folded and dragged into her direction. Shukashuu grabbed Y/N's hand and made her hold Rikyako's hand.

King pushed Rikyako and her lips landed on yours. She thought nothing about it and kissed back. Rikyako pulled away and  slowly took the blind fold off. She blushed too as Y/N's face was red like a tomato.

Y/N's P.O.V

„Ehhhh?! What should I sa..." Rikyako only shushed you, pulled her mic down and said "Watashi wa, anata o aishiteimasu". I nodded and was hugged by her. She let go and Anchan hugged me "I'm so happy for you~".

"Anchan I think you should let go" "Eh why?" I only pointed behind her, where a jealous Aida Rikako stood.

"Sumimasen?!" Rikyako then started running after her. Unfortunately Anchan was faster but Anchan was clumsy and fell. Rikyako fell too and they laughed together. I stood there and looked at them then I felt someone hugging me. I looked up and it was King. Then I was smashed to the floor and felt Rikyako hugging me.

I leaned in to her ear and whispered "You know I love you, so don't be so jealous, yeah? You could hurt them" I laughed. And the fans started to shout our ship name the whole concert over.


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