Takatsuki Kanako x short!rude!Reader (2/2)

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2nd part


King's P.O.V

Me and the other members were walking down the street. We turned a corner and heard screaming and panting.(Don't get the wrong idea)

We saw the same group from the other day and I slowly back away. Ainya gasped as she saw someone laying on the floor. We ran behind a house and Arisha called the police.

After 3 minutes we heard sirens. The police arrived and we told them what we saw. They began runnin into their direction. "Hey!!!" They turned around and looked scared and began running away. Another police car arrived infront of them and stopped them.

When the view was clear we saw a person with a hood covered in blood. I ran to the person and turned them around. I noticed it's a girl and not just a girl, IT'S Y/N!

Tears began to build in my eyes as I hugged her carefully. She began to move slightly as she opened her eyes and looked me into the eyes. Her eyes showed no emotions, their were blank. I began to remember what I did to her in the past and felt so sorry.

The ambulance arrived and took Y/N away. They told us that we can visit her the next day. My breath began to go faster and the tears then actually began to fall from my eyes as they drove to the hospital.

Anchan hugged me to slow my breath and let me cry into her shoulder. We went to my house and they told me that everything will be fine. Aikyan and Aiai, who have seen Y/N the other day with me, asked since when I know Y/N and if something happened. I told them the whole story, about me being bullied and Y/N always standing up for me and being smashed into the wall.

Eventually I fell asleep as I was exhausted. They looked over me and slept in my living room.

flashback (before the fight)

Y/N's P.O.V

"Hey! Looks like we see each other again" the boy smirked at me, as he pushed me against the the house wall. "What do you want!" I said coldly. "Oh looks like you forgot us already, L/N-san~" I looked shocked into his eyes. It couldn't be them right.

"How do you know my last name?" I asked and he began walking closer to me and smirked evilly. "You don't remember, huh? We were always listening to you when we were in school. We know everything about you. Maybe you remembered as all the students ignored you? That was because we told the whole school that you're gay (sorry if you're bi) and that they should avoid you because you would have been in love with almost every girl."

I looked down so they couldn't see my face and widened my eyes but then I couldn't feel anything anymore. My breath got faster and I got a bit dizzy and had trouble to stand still. I looked up and saw them slowly approaching me. I wanted to run but I couldn't move.

"Well L/N-san day goodbye to the world...

flashback end

(timeskip to next day)

Y/N's P.O.V

I slowly opened my eyes and stared at a white ceiling. I felt like I was deaf. I blinked and noticed that I was laying in a hospital bed. Then I heard soft crying. I tried sitting up and suddenly I layed back down with weight on my body. My shoulder began to get wet and the sobbing was louder.

"I missed you N/N-san" The person said. I sat up and leaned against the headboard. I noticed that it's a girl and that it's a very important person out of my life. I wrapped my arms around her and snuggled my face into her neck. I opened my eyes and stared into 8 other pairs of eyes.

They smiled and waved and I blushed and waved back.

Kanako-chan leaned back and kissed me. "Y/N I'm so sorry for leaving you. I just wanted to get away from my bullies. But after I left, I heard stories that a girl was beaten up after she was found crying on the rooftop. I immediately thought about you being depressed and wished I was by your side to cheer you up. I actually had always been and am now in love with you"

She confessed. I was speechless and started to tear up. "Do you really love me?" I asked and she smiled and nodded then leaned in and kissed me. Then someone caught, "Sorry to interrupt this moment but we have a concert in one and a half hour." a tall blacked haired girl said. I looked confused but remembered that they're seiyuus. I nodded and let go of Kanako.

"Sorry, but we won't be able to be here any longer so get well and I see you tomorrow." Kanako said and kissed me before leaving with her friends.

In the corner I saw a TV and looked trough the channels. On one channel was an announcement about the 3rd live from the anime Love Live Sunshine. I ate food and waited for it to begin. When the live began and saw Kanako walking onto the stage I couldn't help but feel happy to be with her.


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