Ch. 1- Remi

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Light seeped in through the slit between the blackout curtains. Glancing at the clock, eight in the morning. It wasn't early but then again, I had stayed up until two in the morning the night before.

It was far too soon to get up. Letting out a groan, I squinted as the morning sun violated my eyes. I rolled to my other side as dark brown hair slid over my face. Sighing deeply as I snuggled into the pillows. The thought of staying in bed all day was beyond appealing. I was comfortable, engulfed in the oversized comforter.

A discomfort spread through me as my body started waking up without me. Sweet dreams slipped into darkness. Lifting my gaze to the dark room I huffed. Okay, okay. I'm up. I Didn't want to be, but I needed to make it to the bathroom if I didn't want the bed to turn into a pool.

Throwing the comforter back, I sat at the edge of the bed for a moment. Feet hooked into the frame as I rubbed my face into my hands. Reaching up, I stretched my arms overhead and fell back into the cushion of the bed.

When my feet finally hit the cold floor, goosebumps crawled up my arms. Damn it! I'm pretty sure my slippers are in the living room. Probably tucked under the couch. Quickly grabbing my robe and fumbling to put it on, rushing into the bathroom.

I remember getting home, stripping down and throwing on a shirt. I'm so glad I didn't bring anyone home. That drama would get back to work. People would talk. Yeah, no, I didn't need that shit. I liked keeping a low profile when I went out.

Starting up the shower, I let the small bathroom fill with steam before stripping down. I slipped into the shower and under the weak stream of water.

The water pressure was crap but it still felt soothing as it hit my shoulders. The water heater in the apartment was set to get hot. It is something I loved! I'd set the temperature to mild heat and up it as soon as my skin adjusted.

Thinking back to mom's house, there was always a bliss to taking a shower. Water pressure to die for! It was like a miniature scalp massage. Making my mind go numb. The sensation always made me want to take longer showers.

The memories of my shower perked my nipples and sent a shiver down my spine despite the hot water from the shower. I crossed my arms across my chest watching the water spin down the drain. My tears mixed with the water as I leaned back and allowed the water to run over my face and down my front. Drowned in thoughts of my childhood home. Thoughts of my mom. Both gone too soon.

I shampooed my hair and massaged my fingers into my scalp. Releasing tension and stress of my thoughts. So much had changed in the last year.

Pulling back the shower curtain, I stepped into the plush bath rug that seemed to hug my wet feet. My favorite towel was crimson and so large that I could have used it at the pool to lay on. It was huge. Wrapping it around myself, I patted and rubbed down my slender figure. The towel was saturated as I hung it to dry on the bar.

The hairdryer roared to life as I ran the brush through my hair and blew it strait. It didn't take long to finish my entire head. My hair was a dark mass of brown. Silk. When I was little, my mother would comb it with her fingers and say it was the finest silk she had ever seen.

Overall, I was pretty lazy when it came to makeup and hair. I'd happily apply a little eyeliner when I went to work or went out with friends, but nothing more. My hairdryer didn't get much action during the warmer months because I really liked throwing my hair up into a messy bun after showers. During the colder months, I'd let it air dry if I were at my place. It was only when I was expecting to go out that I'd put in the effort to make it look nice.

Giving myself one more look over, I changed into a loose sweatshirt with jean capris. Going for comfort because I didn't have to work until the afternoon. I found my slippers tucked under the side of the couch and slid into them. The air in the apartment smelled like lemons, just like I liked. Small but mighty was the wax burner in the corner of the living room.

Seeing Red: Book 1 Of The Moretti Series ✔Where stories live. Discover now