Ch 8- Micah

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Standing stark naked in my bathroom, I grinned down at my phone and pressed send. I knew she was out with her friends, so I had made sure to cover myself accordingly. Giving her the same type of photo she had sent me earlier. No text, just the image.

The grin on my face widened at the thought of what would happen if her friends were around when she opened the message. Would she even be holding her own phone? Either way, she would be blushing, cursing me because she had told me she was busy. Hopeful for a fiery response, I wandered over to the counter.

The night was still young and there was a club in DC that I needed to visit. See the local nightlife and gauge what would fit for my own club. My uncle had mentioned it because one of his guards worked there as a bouncer on his days off. I recognized the name when he mentioned it because it was one of the listed hot spots for the area, making it more appealing.

I combed my hair to the side and applied a light splash of cologne to my collar. Heading into the walk-in closet, I decided to go casual. Soft, cotton, light grey V neck T with black jeans, belt, and Van's. Close to the end of April, it was chilly out. Snatching up my navy blue hoodie, keys, and wallet, I headed out.

There was still a long line to get in, mostly women. I could feel them undressing me with their eyes, a few low whistles and whispers among the groups of women. A slow smirk crossed my lips as I made my way to the front of the line. Before Remi, I would have loved the attention but now, she was all I wanted. Thinking she must have been an enchantress because I felt like I was under a spell. We had only met the night before but my body was hungry for hers.

Putting thoughts of Remi aside and with no text back, I approached the door. Avoiding the line, I immediately recognized the doorman and bouncer, Jack and his older brother Mitch. As I approached, Jack checked a young woman's ID. Scrutinizing it with his flashlight, he looked up at her without showing any emotion, "Your ID is fake. I don't believe that you live on 'Tupac Lane,' here in Washington DC." Sticking the ID in his pocket, "Only in Vegas sweetheart," and waved his hand to show her to move on. The petite blond and her two friends stepped out of line with minimal complaints.

"Hot shit," Jack's deep voice brought my attention away from the small group of girls skulking back into the parking lot. "Look who it is Mitch!"

"Hey boys, long time no see!" I approached, greeting Jack with a hug, slamming our hands against each others backs. Completely ignoring the next group of ogling women. Giving Mitch the same greeting.

"What are you doing back in town?" Mitch asked as he greeted me as Jack went back to checking ID's and ushering patrons through the doors.

"I'm back. Officially back. My place is on the outskirts of Arlington."

"Well, that means we need to get together, catch up." Jack clapped his hand on my shoulder.

"Definitely," I agreed.

"So what's up, you want in?" Mitch asked.

"Yeah. Actually I'm VIP tonight." Stepping closer to Mitch to give him the code word for our group, "Amethyst," I whispered to him so that no one else could hear it.

The corner of Mitch's mouth lifted into an amused grin as he pulled out a purple wristband and attached it to my wrist. Pointing into my chest he said, "You know I'm going to want the details of your night later."

I laughed and knew exactly what he was talking about. The rest of my group must have already arrived. "How many?"

"Four," he smacked Jack's arm, who was in the middle of more ID checks, "Violet is with him tonight." Mitch and I had captured his full attention as he held another driver's license in his hand.

Seeing Red: Book 1 Of The Moretti Series ✔Where stories live. Discover now