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Louis felt uncomfortable during the whole car ride home. It's so strange when she changes moods like that. Thankfully the traffic had died down so it didn't take long for him to reach his flat.

Lottie's car was in the parking lot, she must have come home early from college, she did say she wasn't feeling well this morning.

Louis thought it was the best thing living with Lottie, Jay always knew it would be a good idea.

He missed her, he missed her every single day, and so did his baby sister. But they were always there for each other, which was what he was grateful for.

"Hello?" After climbing the stairs because of the still broken lift, Louis unlocked their apartment door and trampled in, kicking his shoes off instantly.

"Hey-" The greeting was followed by a sneeze. Louis giggled a little bit as he found his sister in the living room, snuggled up in blankets as she watched stranger things.

He sat down next to her while she cuddled into his side, the box of tissues from her lap falling between them. "I'm gonna make you sick," Louis shrugged and hugged her. "You know I don't care, when did you get home?"

"5 minutes after setting off." Lottie jumped as a Demogorgon leaped onto the screen. Louis got up and wandered into the kitchen, switching the kettle on. "Brew?"

"Yes please." She replied with a sniff, "how was your day anyway?" Louis rolled his eyes while he got two mugs out of the cupboard.



Two episodes and a rom-com later, the siblings were still snuggled up in the duvets on the couch, Lottie was beginning to doze off though so Louis turned the tv off before another film started.

"Come on, let's get you to bed." She yawned in sync with him, slipping her slippers on so she could stand. Louis carried her covers while Lottie put the finished cups on the side, ready to be washed in the morning by either of them.

"Goodnight Lou."
"Goodnight Lots."

Louis closed her door, feeling as exhausted as she was. He collected his laptop from its charging space in the hall and proceeded to his own bedroom, stripping to just his boxers.

He'd been wanting to search for it all day, but would it be stalkerish? It would definitely be stalkerish.

But yet it didn't stop Louis from opening his browser and typing in the sentence that had been circling in his head all day.

"What do you have if you have multiple personalities."

He swallowed thickly before pressing enter, what if his friends were right, what if this boy is exactly like the guy from split.

A psycho.

The first thing that splattered across Louis' laptop screen was a link to a YouTube video with a small explanation underneath.

'-Dissociative identity disorder (DID) is a severe condition in which two or more distinct identities, or personality states, are present in—and alternately take control of—an individual.-'

"Dissociative identity disorder." He whispered to himself, scrolling down to look at the headlines for websites.

Many were quizzes and tests to compare your symptoms against the condition as well as links for help and blogs of people with DID.

Louis clicked on the third website down google,


-dissociative identity disorder-
(Multiple personality disorder)

Louis read along the computer screen with the tips of his fingers, making sure to pick up every single word.

'a condition wherein a person's identity is fragmented into two or more distinct personality states. People with this rare condition are often victims of severe abuse.'

"And now he's getting even more shit." He felt utterly disgusted by his friends, this fragile boy that may have been abused in his younger years until he developed a condition where his personalities split so he could cope with life, and he's still getting shit.

And Louis' best friends are calling him a freak.

'-Why some people develop DID is not entirely understood, but they frequently report having experienced severe physical and sexual abuse, particularly during childhood.-'

"Oh my fucking god, poor thing."

The website was just getting harder and harder for Louis to read as tears began to form. He had always been over emotional but this is unbelievably serious.

Louis wanted to make friends with him even more now, he wasn't going to survive without a friend in them enclosed walls. Louis would never judge or torment, he knew he would treat Harry like an actual person, well- people.

 Louis would never judge or torment, he knew he would treat Harry like an actual person, well- people

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