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Louis couldn't stop thinking about him all day.

It was already lunchtime and he'd forgotten everything he'd learnt in his three previous lessons, no big deal right?

He was just interested in him
no big deal.

Louis exited physics without any of his friends, wandering to find Eleanor, hopefully waiting outside the hall for him. But he had to walk past the library as Harry was the only thing rattling around his brain.

He couldn't help but peak through the window, he couldn't help but check up on him and make sure he wasn't all alone like yesterday.

But he was.
All alone.

Louis stopped at the window and continued to stare at Harry, noticing he was in different clothes from three hours ago and wearing glasses, his nose yet again in the same thick book.

Students were sniggering and talking about him in the corners of the library, but it didn't seem to be distracting him, he was barely even blinking.

'I'm sure El can wait for just a few minutes'

Without a second thought Louis pushed the heavy door of the library, releasing the laughing and giggling from inside.

Their library wasn't the stereotypical, 'be quiet or you're dead' kinda library. The assistant was partially deaf so she never heard anything anyway.

Louis wandered over to the table in the middle of the spacious room, Harry still not noticing him. He sat down but didn't pull out his lunch as he needed to meet with Eleanor yet.

Finally Harry looked up, his eyes widened before his whole body froze up, just staring at Louis.

"You're not going to get any friends just sat here in the middle of the library."

Louis echoed from yesterday with a grin on his face. Harry's pupils dilated and kept readjusting before he squinted, taking the glasses off and laying them on the table along with his, now closed, book.

"What do you not understand about leaving someone alon-"

"Dissociative identity disorder."

Harry got cut off by Louis as he blurted out his condition, making them both feel like the rooms volume disappeared.

But nothing had changed.

"T-That's why you say 'us' and 'we'. You had different clothes on before, the person smoking was a different person to you and the person just reading wasn't you either. You have different people living in your body, it's from trauma as a child, some can be kids, animals or older than you? It's been stereotyped to be a dangerous condition where alters harm people or the body because of movies. But I'm not scared of you."

It took Harry a couple of seconds to process Louis' word vomit that had spewed out all over him. He disconnected eyes and gulped, his dry throat clearing.

"Y-You researched about me?"

Louis felt like a total creep.
Well he was acting like a complete psycho, what did he think he was doing?

He shyly nodded and played with his thumbs beneath the table, considering whether to just run away from this disaster of a conversation starter.

"I'm sorry, I had to. I don't want you to feel alone, that never works out in Uni-"

"I've always felt alone, nothings going to change that, just because you know-"

Harry huffed and folded his arms, leaning on the table so he could lay his head down.

"You don't need to feel alone Harry." Louis reached forward and stroked across the younger's elbow but he flinched back instantly.

"I'm not like my friends, I know what you've been through to have what you have." Harry's bottom lip started to quiver but he held in his sobs, he was an embarrassment enough right?

That reputation wasn't going to shrink if he burst into tears in the middle of students, giggling and pointing at him anyway.

After a few more minutes in silence, Harry spoke up, his voice sounding underused, like it was rusting and needed polishing.

"We don't do friends."

He didn't even try and correct himself when he slipped on his grammar, it just felt right to say that.

"Then I'll be an acquaintance." Harry's mouth curved at the edges as he slowly began to brighten up.

"Please don't tell anyone, I would prefer people to just think I'm a freak rather than some kind of demonic being." Louis sniggered and shook his head.

"You're not a freak, after reading about it, I think it's actually pretty cool." Harry eyes seemed to sparkle after that sentence left Louis' lips.

"You do?"

"Mhm." Louis hummed, pulling his lunch up onto the table.

Eleanor could miss him for one lunch.

Harry didn't like people trying, he hated it even. He just knew he would let them down, and he would rather like it to be sooner than later.

But Louis wasn't the type to give up on things.

And he definitely wasn't going to give up on Harry.

heyyy to all my licle new readers, how are you all? hope you're enjoying the book so far:)

A/Nheyyy to all my licle new readers, how are you all? hope you're enjoying the book so far:)

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