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He soon heard her heels clicking as she was walking toward him. She gave him a small smile before standing right in front of him, a few inches from his dopey face.

"Have you figured out who you want?"

Louis gulped, the hundreds of well thought out words for his argument that he was going to present to Eleanor of why she shouldn't be treating him like this automatically flew out of his ears and into the cold breeze.

He gulped and starred down at her lips, lusting for them.

"I-I want you."

Eleanor smiled with a devilish grin, getting exactly what she wanted out of her boyfriend.

"Let's go then." She took his hand and guided him to his own car as he just followed her with a dumbfounded look.

He pulled the handle to the passenger door to let El in first before sprinting to the other side and starting the engine.

Louis' little vehicle was one of the only five left in the carpark, he pulled out and went beyond the university's site, closer and closer to where he needed to drop her off.

-define 'drop off'-

He drove up onto the curb as Eleanor wasted no time in getting her tongue back down his throat.

The noises they were making were sloppy and disgusting as they both hovered over the gear stick and hand break.

"M-My parents won't be home for another hour or so-" Eleanor disconnected to catch her breathe, her eyes glazing over as well as the person's she was gazing at.

"I-I need to get home." Louis tried to insist but he knew nothing would work.

"Then let's be quick- I have the garage keys." She pulled the item out of her pocket as she started to bite down Louis' neck, leaving a trail like a slug.

"Pull in and then we can get started."

Louis' skin was beginning to bruise until Eleanor opened the door of the car and left it, strutting towards her house, swaying her hips while wanting to keep Louis' full attention.

He started his car again and reversed in after Eleanor unlocked the garage, her mums car would normally be parked in there.

She hopped back in after closing it again, switching the lights on and continuing her plan of making Louis wear a jumper or a turtle neck tomorrow to hide her little marks.

After a few short minutes of this, her intentions became more fiery as she reached over to Louis' belt buckle and clicked it before sliding her serpent fingers to unzip his jeans.

"Babe- I-I need to get home-"

"Shh, we'll be quick." She continued with no remorse, she didn't like to hear the word no.

"B-But Lottie's sick-" In a flash, Eleanor was bored of his excuses so slipped through the chairs and pounced into the back seat, laying out while taking her tshirt off, revealing a laced, baby pink bra.

Louis' particular favourite.

"Then go."

The boys animalistic side to the brain kicked in and everything left his head, he wanted to stay.


Well his crotch did anyway.

His eyes didn't even know where to look as her manicured claws pulled down her skinny, ripped jeans, her underwear matched the bra.

She knew this would have happened tonight.

She knew from getting up, and picking out her underwear.

Smart girl.

"Are you coming then?"

Louis was practically drooling like a dog after she had left him in the front.

"Oh fuck." He finally stuttered out before clambering back to join her.


"Hey Lou!"

Yet again Louis found his little sister cuddled up on the couch watching stranger things with a bowl of popcorn in her lap.

"Hi Lottie." She sniggered at the state of her brother.

All of his hair was pointing in every single direction possible, his cheeks were flushed and his lips and neck had been mauled to death.

He was still out of breathe.

Lottie put the dots together and paused the tv so she could wait until she'd stopped laughing. It was always entertaining seeing him come in after his and Eleanor's activities, and she always knew when it had happened too.

"Dropped Eleanor off after school?"

-define 'dropped off'-


Louis knew she knew, she always did. Always.

"How was your day anyway? Feeling better?"
"Yeh just tired, was drowning in homework when I got back, I've only just finished it."

The popcorn bowl was still full so she must have been telling the truth.

The siblings sat together for a couple of hours, Louis had made pasta for both of them and then took a shower after he'd finished.

He just stood there.

Staring down at the numbers melting off of his hand, not knowing whether to desperately try and remember them, or to just wipe his opposite hand over his other.

He made pros and cons but they all turned out even.

It was a difficult decision.

Harry really did sound like a nice person and Louis bet he was, but his girlfriend's more important and she always will be.


He turned around so the water hit his back and collected the body wash, squeezing it over the number that he was planning on putting in his device.

It never happened.

Louis scrubbed until his skin was red and nothing was left of the ballpoint pen and any proof of him caring for a nobody.

Because that's all Harry was.

He was a nobody.

Just a very nice nobody.

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