Chapter 3

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Katie's POV:

     I arrive at school and park in an empty space toward the end of the line of cars. I quickly gather my things and step outside ignoring how the entire school seemed to just freeze with all eyes on me.

     I keep my head down as I enter the building just thinking about what classes I would have to take.  Thinking to hard and not paying attention,  I run into a hard surface and fall. I curse myself thinking I have ran into a wall on my very first day. But when I look up, I see that it is not a wall at all, but a actual hot looking jock.

     However,  me being me I just look around for a sign pointing toward the main office. Once I found it, O look back at him to see him staring at me, I offer a small smile before walking away. When I get into the office I see a woman who looked to be in ber early forties at the desk. When she notices my presence,  she gives me a smile and says "Hi, you must be new. Welcome to East High!" I nod my head and give a nod of thanks. "Can I have your name and I can get you your schedule?" I show her the name on my top notebook, and she looks at me curiously without saying anything. For that I was grateful. "Well, here you are.  Have a good day Ms. Anderson" I once again nod and walk out of the office stopping just a few feet away to look at my schedule.

     Okay, I have Chemistry, English, Algebra, World Geography, Civics, and study hall. Great, I suck at all classes but English and obviously study hall. I snap out of it and start looking for my classroom looking at the map the secretary gave me as a guide. Within five minutes I had found my first class.  Not wanting to wait until the bell with all the other people I got right on in.

     When I'm inside their is only two other people there and no teacher. I sigh and head to the very back with a seat closest to a window. I sit and just take out my sketchbook and and pencil and doodle. About ten minutes later the bell rings and everyone starts filing in not stopping their conversations and thankfully not at all noticing my presence. Well until it was broken.

     "Alright people settle down, it's time to get started." Everyone finally stops talking slowly and heads to a random seat. The class is finally about to begin when all of a sudden the door bursts open.

    "Ah, Mr. Wayne. Nice of you to finally join us. " Most of the class snickers because they think he is already in trouble on the first day of school. "As your punishment for arriving late I would like you to show the new student around and answer any questions she has. Let's see..... Katie Anderson. Where are you?"


     Well hell, I thought and slowly raise my hand as every pairs of eyes in the room are once again glued to me. I hated attention. I receive glares from most girls, most like the sluts of the school, smiles from others, probably thinking I am an okay person. But, the only one I feel is the one from the so called Mr. Wayne whose eyes is holding three different emotions. Shock,  love, amd adoration. This confuses me greatly as I just tilt my head at him. The little moment is ruined by the teacher clearing his throat, making all eyes go back toward the front.  "Is that okay with you Ms. Anderson?" I look at him and just shrug my shoulders. "Okay Cashton, it looks like the only free seat left is the one on the right of Katie so have a seat. And don't worry, I will right passes for the classes you miss for the both of you. Okay, let's begin." As Cashton makes his way to his seat the class begins, I find out that it is something that I already got the jist of so I just continue drawing the wolf that I kept seeing in my head.

     I was so zoned out that I didn't realize that Cashton was watching me draw, I snapped my sketchbook closed and look at him, my face heating up as he stares right back at me. He just chuckles and says, "Your a good drawer." And turns his eyes back to the front of the room, while I know that my face is as red as a tomato.

The Alpha's MateOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora