Chapter 19

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Cashton's POV:

     While I was trying to hurry and finish my work so I can have some quality time with my mate, I felt a slight dull ache in my head. I juat passed it off as a migraine coming along.  At least until I felt two more, ones that were more painful and severe and I knew right away it was my mate.

     I got out of my chair and started one the stairs, going faster when I smelled the blood of my mate. When I reached our bedroom door, there was a puddle of Kate's blood, and there was no sign of Kate.

     Ian, Aaron get your asses in my office now. Someone has taken my mate. I said in the midlink. Not even five seconds later they barged in my house and were right beside me. Ian took a look around and Aaron sniffed the air.

     "Alpha I don't smell the rouges, and I don't recognize the scent, so it had to have been Pete." He said cautiously.

     I growled. It was all I could do instead of screaming and killing my closest friends. Someone took Kate. They took my mate and as soon as I find out who they were going to pay. No-one takes my mate from me.

     I was about to call a pack meeting when I stopped short. I heard the words 'please save me Cashton. And I love you. Forever and always.' I was completely frozen Kate was somehow able to mindlink.

     "Guys, Kate mindlinked me."

     "What? How is that possible? She's human." They asked in unison. 

     "I don't know. But if she can do it again we can use it to our advantage and see where she is."

     They both agreed and stood silently while I tried again. I never told her about the mindlink because it has never before been heard of that a human can use a werewolf mindlink.

     Katie, are you okay? Where are you?  Are you hurt? I mindlinked, then held my breath. Who knows what it could mean when a human uses the mindlink. There could be some serious consequences. We waited for about five minutes, and when we were about to go down the stairs, we heard something that made us all freeze.

     'Cashton, Cash, is that you? Somebody? Help me please.' I looked around, and even ran to the window and looked out. It seemed like the entire pack heard her call. But how is this possible? Then I had and idea. I got my phone and called my mom, not worrying about whether she heard because I know she did. As soon as she answered, I began talking.

     "Mom. I need you to call that witch. I need answers because I have no idea how this is even possible."

     "Okay son, I'll get right to it."

     I hung up. Amd tried the mindlink again. Katie, it is me. Are you hurt? Do you know where you are? Katie. C'mon answer me babygirl.

     This time I only had to wait about five seconds. 'Cashton.  I have no idea what's happening. But I just woke up from the strangest dream. This woman was in it and she called herself the moon goddess.  She said that I was the lost werewolf princess of the royal werewolf family.'

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