Chapter 11: Nightmares

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Luckily for Harry, he didn't have to wait too long before seeing Veronica Green again, as when he walked into Divination one morning, he saw her standing at Professor Trelawney's desk, listening bewildered while the crazy wide-eyed woman ramble on as if in response to a question. 

Veronica had tried to get to Divination as early as possible as she wanted to ask her Professor about the reoccurring dreams that kept her up at night and plagued her thoughts during the day, but the Divination teacher had been talking for over ten minutes and she still hadn't gotten an answer. 

As she saw out of the corner of her eye, the majority of the class start tumbling into the room, she interrupted Professor Trelawney, thanked her, and quickly walked to her seat at the back edge of the classroom, near the entrance, where she's always sat in order to leave as soon as the lesson was finished. 

Once the lesson had started, Veronica had completely zoned out, her mind drifting back to the images that appeared in her sleep every night. They had been particularly confusing last night and were clearer than they'd ever been. 

All she can remember is walking down a path, surrounded by hedges, often coming across dead ends or horrifying creatures that made her turn back the way she came. Flashes of red and green would fill her vision every now and then as her panic increased. She usually wakes up after a surge of blue light fills the scene, but last night she caught glimpses of what looked to be headstones and muddy dark grass before jolting awake in a pool of sweat gasping for breath. 

Before she can delve into the many ideas floating around her brain as to what she could've seen, a commotion on the other side of the room draws her out of her thoughts. 

Harry Potter was passed out, leaning off of his chair onto the floor clutching his forehead tightly while giving off short groans of pain. 

Trelawney was having a field day standing over him almost buzzing with excitement as the boy opens his eyes, pouncing on him and demanding he let her help. Immediately he refuses, claiming all he needs to do is go and visit Madame Pomfrey in the Hospital Wing. 

The Professor wasn't buying it, neither was Veronica or anyone else it seems, but allowed him to go after ordering Veronica, who was conveniently the closest to the exit, to take him. 


They walked in silence at first, neither of them knowing what to say to the other, but surprisingly it was Veronica who spoke first. 

"Are you okay?" she pathetically asked, even though clearly he wasn't if he claimed he needed to go to the Hospital Wing. 

"Yeah I'm actually feeling a lot better now, I don't think I need to go anymore" he explained, with a good amount of confidence in his voice considering Veronica knew he was saying nonsense the entire time to get out of class. 

Not ready to let him wander off, and the fact she didn't want to get into trouble for not doing what a professor told her to do, she grabbed his elbow and veered him down the corridor leading to the Hospital Wing, despite him trying to go in the opposite direction. 

"Well, I still need to go and pick up some Sleeping Draught and we're almost there so we might as well keep going", she stated, walking towards the entrance and leaning her full weight on the heavy wooden doors to open them. 

Madame Pomfrey looked up and upon seeing Harry standing there, turning a blind eye to the girl, exclaimed: "well why am I not surprised to see you here Mr Potter" and even though she sounded exasperated, she said it with a warm smile on her face after seeing he wasn't injured in any way. 

"Actually ma'am," The woman finally noticing Veronica after she spoke up timidly "I'm here to pick up a light sleeping draught? I've been having the most restless nights recently". Madame Pomfrey scanned the young girl and saw her tired eyes looked heavy, with dark circles lining the bottoms - which Harry regarded as well. 

"Oh alright then dear, you do look a little worse for wear", replied the mediwitch, doing a quick search of her cabinet and handing over a small vial, "do come back to see me if you still can't get to sleep and I'll give you a larger dose". Then she waves the two students away and tells them to get back to class. 

As they start to make their way back to Divination, Harry studies Veronica then turns her earlier question for him back onto her, "are you okay?", he questions, his concerned eyes gesturing to the vial clutched in her hands. 

She follows his eyes to the sleeping-draught, where her gaze stays, as the sides of her mouth upturn softly, but her smile turns into a grimace as she truthfully replies "Nightmares". 

They reach the ladder that leads up to the Divination classroom and she turns to face him "Thank you for walking me there and back. Although, I don't think Trelawney was expecting you to return" she informs him. 

Harry glances up at the ladder in shock, as he wasn't expecting to return but found himself following Veronica anyway. "No, I won't go back in, I've got somewhere else to be anyway", he says but doesn't move until she nods at him and is safely up the ladder and in class. 

He wistfully sighs, before remembering why he wanted to leave in the first place and took off to Dumbledore's office to inform him of the disturbing flashes he had of Voldemort in class earlier on, but with the Hufflepuff girl still on his mind. 


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