Chapter 12: The Third Task

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By the end of June, Veronica was on the heaviest dose of sleeping-draught that Madame Pomfrey was legally allowed to prescribe to a young teenage girl. The woman promised Veronica that she'd let Dumbledore know that they may need to contact St Mungos for external professional assistance, but that was a few weeks ago now and no action had been taken towards curing the poor girl.

She'd stopped taking the sleeping-draught all together as instead of allowing her to have a peaceful dreamless rest, all it did was send her deeper into her nightmares, making it harder for her to wake up.

It was early morning the day of the final task, and Veronica was wide awake even though the sun was barely risen, not an unusual occurrence anymore. Some days she'd be able to get back to sleep after laying awake and reading to tire her eyes but not today. A pounding in her skull lay just behind her eyes and made it extremely difficult for Veronica to perform even the most mundane tasks.

After laying down for a little longer and taking the last of the pain-relief serum Madame Pomfrey had requested for her, the throbbing had died down enough for Veronica to get out of bed, where she'd been curled up helplessly, and get ready for the day.

The dorm was empty of life, the other girls had woken up and gone down to breakfast, which was now almost over, during the time it'd taken Veronica to stop pitying herself and get up.

Veronica had breakfast, or brunch now, in the kitchens, her head still too sensitive to handle the rush and noise that was common in the Great Hall at the end of breakfast.


The library was always crowded near the end of the year because many students would suddenly remember that final exams were fast approaching and so they would rush to the library in the final weeks of term hoping to cram as much information into their heads as possible.

Veronica was still happy to sit in there, however, as even though it was filled to the brim with students, they all remained relatively quiet as they cracked down on revising what they'd been taught that year.

As much as she had tried to study for the exams that they had sat throughout the week she knew that her efforts were severely impaired by the fact she hadn't got a decent nights sleep in months. The only exam that Veronica thinks she passed is Divination, mostly because the questions were heavily based on dream reading, and the intensive personal research she'd done had definitely helped her.

While Veronica is relaxing in the library, the calm atmosphere and the relief of finally finishing her exams lulled her into a false sense of security, and she drifted off to sleep.

She landed in the dark field surrounded by tombstones and graves, the familiar setting not surprising her as she visited almost every night. What was different about this dream, however, was that the typically empty graveyard was busy. Tall, dark people shadowed with capes and hoods stood in a circle, all facing the centre where a blurred pale man stood - Veronica squinted her eyes and tried to step forward but couldn't seem to move her legs.

The pale frightening character that seemed to be leading everyone else had a loud but muffled voice, and Veronica wasn't able to understand what he was saying. But she recognised the figure that they were all facing.

There, being held up by his neck against a tomb by a stone figure, was Harry Potter, choking and spluttering as he tried to escape. Alarmed, Veronica let out a scream and as she did so, all the figures in the dream turned towards her. However, at the same time, her scream jarred her awake.

As she took deep breaths to try and calm her down she looked around at the empty library and realised the third task was to begin at any moment. A voice inside told her to stop Harry from competing, as she had the worst impression that something incredibly bad was going to happen to him.

She would not let that happen.


She was running like a mad woman through the throngs of people making their way into the stands surrounding the Quidditch pitch, getting slightly impatient at how slow they were moving. She pushed and shoved her way through the crowds, and for the first time Veronica didn't care who gave her a dirty look - she had to get to the Champions, and to Harry, as soon as possible.

Finally, she got to the edge of the pitch and searched the front of the large glooming maze, which didn't do anything to lessen her fear as she identified the resemblance between the maze and the hedges from her nightmares.

After what seemed like hours, she noticed the gathering of people standing just left of the entrance to the maze - huddled in a group at Dumbledore gave them instructions.

Veronica marched over screaming louder than she's ever done before "HARRY!", repeating herself until the boy turned around and upon seeing it was her calling his name with tears running down her face, he ran over to her ignoring the rest of the group who were staring at the two in disbelief.

"Veronica, what is it? What's wrong?" He asked worryingly, scanning her body for any signs of injury or damage. She just shook her head, grabbing onto the front of his top and buried her face in it. Harry was so confused, he'd never seen her in such a state, but he still wrapped his arms around her and repeated his question.

She ignored him again and looked up at him hysterically, "please d-don't go in there, please". She tried to explain to him what was running through her mind but all she found herself saying was "please" over and over again, becoming more desperate as Harry didn't seem to understand what she was getting at.

A hand suddenly pulled her away, it was Professor Moody, who'd heard the girls pleads and quickly intervened, dragging her away forcefully. She was struggling to get out of his aggressive grip, still screaming for Harry long after they were out of earshot, and he continued on his journey to the Hospital Wing.

"Quiet you pathetic girl, no one can hear you" he demanded before throwing open the doors and shoving her inside, startling Madame Pomfrey who was just preparing to leave. At the sight of the sobbing girl, she dropped what she was doing and rushed towards her, telling Moody to place her on a bed.

Veronica was no longer paying attention as she cried to herself, still muttering the words she'd screamed in Harry's face. Moody ordered for the young girl to be left here, and under no circumstances let out.

He took off quickly, positive the task had already begun, and now he was behind schedule. All because of a stupid little girl.

Madame Pomfrey tried to settle the girl, giving her calming draughts and rubbing her back but nothing seemed to be working. Veronica was now laying on her back staring up at the plain white ceiling, she glanced at Pomfrey and said pleadingly "we have to stop him, please, everyone's in danger", but the woman had no idea what she was talking about - blaming the hysterics on the lack of sleep.

They continued this way for a good twenty minutes before Veronica let out the most ear-piercing scream, clutching her head as the images of Moody transforming into a different dark man, as well as Cedric's empty dead eyes flashed before her. Then she passed out from terror and exhaustion, barely breathing but stabilising slowly.

Madame Pomfrey didn't know what to do with the girl that now lay deadly quiet in front of her, dried tears tracked down her cheeks.

She didn't have time to look her over, however, as someone had burst through the doors of the Hospital Wing the second time this evening, saying she is required at the location of the maze, and telling her to get there as quickly as she could.

So she ran, leaving Veronica lying there alone and in pain.


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