Chapter 15: Summer 2

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Summer Part 2


She sat with Hermione and Ron quietly. After their initial polite greeting, they found themselves sitting around awkwardly, so Veronica soon asked them if they knew what was going on and Hermione filled her in on what they knew about the Order of the Phoenix and why they were just waiting around. 

The Hufflepuff was happy to find out that the adults downstairs, including her father, were expected to return any minute now with Harry in tow. The two members of the Golden Trio that were present noticed how the girl's face lit up with the mention of their partner in crime, but didn't bring it up as the door had suddenly slammed open and the boy on their minds stood in the doorway. 

Veronica only caught a glimpse of his face before Hermione had pounced on him, swallowing him up into a solid embrace, her hair flying everywhere burying the two. The timid brunette felt something uneasy settle in her stomach as she watched them hug but they quickly pulled apart and Hermione and Ron try to comfort an angry Harry, who felt abandoned and excluded.

The boy finally noticed Veronica as she rested her hand on his shoulder to try to calm him down, his voice getting louder as he told off his best friends. Harry perked up as he made eye contact with the girl "Veronica! Hel-", before they could properly speak to each other the Weasley Twins had apparated with a 'pop' gaining the room's attention. 

The ginger twins were very charismatic and managed to turn an awkwardly tense reunion between friends into a friendly entertaining conversation. Even though she wasn't fully involved in the chat, she found herself sitting back and contently listening to the group of Gryffindors. 

The youngest of the Weasley siblings strolled into the room as the twins were showing off their latest invention - Extendable Ears - to inform them that they were unable to use them as, apparently, an imperturbable charm had been placed on the Kitchen door.  

Soon enough they were called down for dinner, and as they were walking down the stairs Harry wandered next to Veronica before nudging her gently with his elbow. He leant in and his eyes playfully glistened "Hey there", he whispered. "Hello, Harry. You still need to tell me the details of why the Ministry wants to expel you. You never wrote back." The hurt look on her face made him feel terrible and so he apologised and told her about the Dementors in Little Whinging. 

She had to admit she was impressed that Harry knew how to perform a Patronus charm, she couldn't imagine ever doing magic that powerful herself. She told him this and noticed his ears turn red in embarrassment, which thoroughly amused her. 

Her thoughts were interrupted by a loud shouting echoing around the house, and Veronica noticed it came from a portrait of a miserable looking woman cursing strongly to the people in the room. A man came out of the kitchen and started screaming back at her, before forcefully shutting the curtains around her frame. 

He turned around and smiled at the group as they reached the bottom of the staircase. Harry ran towards the man with a big grin on his face, but Veronica froze in fear as she watched the boy embrace the person she now recognised as mass murderer Sirius Black. 

Harry turned around to introduce the girl to the many people in the room when he noticed that she'd gone completely pale - not taking her eyes off of the Azkaban escapee. So he walked up to her, rubbing her arm gently, "Veronica, this is my Godfather Sirius, he's not who you think he is, honestly. He was framed. " he whispered in her ear. She stared into Harry's eyes and gripped his elbow tightly in her hand, slowly moving to stand next to him as he leads her into the room, not once did they break eye contact. 

The adults in the room didn't fail to notice how close the two teenagers seemed to be as they sat down next to each other at the long table in the middle of the large kitchen. Mrs Weasley was more than happy to see the girl again and greeted her with a warm smile from across the room. 

Veronica was introduced to many people that night and was surprised when she realised how nice Sirius actually was, as he spoke to the girl for a few minutes to introduce himself and apologise for scaring her earlier. 

The conversations around the table soon became quite dark as Harry asked questions about He Who Must Not Be Named, but Harry wasn't scared to use his real name which made Veronica flinch quite a bit. After a quick argument, Mrs Weasley reluctantly allows the children to stay and listen to Sirius, except for Ginny who stormed away angrily slamming the door on the way out. 

She won't lie, Veronica got chills as she focused on what the Order believed was happening. The image of an army being built up to fight terrified her, but looking around at the determined faces of the people at the table, especially her fathers, she realised she needed to find the courage to help them. Shortly after Sirius mentioned a 'weapon' the discussion was ended by Mrs Weasley who sent the children to bed. 

"Yes it's probably best if we head off home now Veronica," her father says, standing up and shaking a few people's hands in farewell. 

"You're going!?" Harry exclaimed, a bit too loudly and he blushed once he realised his shout gained a few looks. "I guess so, see you soon?" she replied, looking up into his mesmerising green eyes. "Definitely" he stated before taking her by surprise and wrapping his arms around her waist, "see you soon" he repeated. 

Sirius was openly staring at them now, and once Veronica made eye contact with him he winked at her before nodding his goodbyes. Flushing a bright red she turned and left the house, not looking back even though she could feel Harry's eyes on her as she followed her father. 


Veronica didn't return to Grimmauld Place after her first visit, however, she and Harry continued to exchange letters for the rest of the summer, him informing her of his trial and other random adventures that took place around the house. 

She had become a running tease in the old Black Family House, as many of the teens, and Sirius, continuously asked Harry about the girl - the boy blushing every time her name was mentioned. 


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