Chapter 35: Summer 3

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It was a dark but expensive looking room, with a long table lined with people, dressed in similar dark colours. Crawling across the table was an extremely large and terrifying snake, making others flinch if it got too close to them, travelling to the head of the table. 

At the head of the table was a pale, slimy snake-like figure with slitted black eyes that glanced around the room, drifting over Veronica who stood frozen in her shoes at the edge of the room, and landing on a familiar looking figure who, like Veronica, was noticeably afraid of the people in the room. 

Draco Malfoy was the only one stood up, with the eyes of almost everyone in the room on him, everyone except a woman with pale blonde hair who was staring adamantly at the dark wooden tabletop, refusing to make eye contact with anyone. 

Very little words were spoken, making Veronica think this meeting had been planned ahead and everyone here knew what was going to happen, except for her. 

Voldemort stood from the grand chair walking with a slow cold gracefulness, his long black robe brushing the ground as he crept over to the blonde boy, who was visibly trying to contain his shivers. 

Before she could witness what was about to go down, she suddenly awoke with a fright. Trembling at the multiple different scenarios playing in her mind over what could have happened to the Slytherin boy, each of them scarier than the other. As much as the boy tormented her and her friends over the years, she didn't wish what she'd just seen onto anyone. 

She drifted back to sleep eventually, but her mind didn't stray from the events from before and nightmares followed of her being trapped in his very position, being tortured, exploited and murdered. 


When their book lists arrived near the end of summer, the Weasleys decided that while they were visiting Diagon Alley, it would be a good chance to visit the twins at their shop. 

Hagrid arrived to take them, as extra security for the group of students, and Bill had retrieved Harry's money from the Potter vault as, apparently, Gringotts had piled on the defence, after that they soon left. 

Diagon Alley was completely different from the upbeat, lively street that Veronica remembers. Many of the shops were closed, the windows boarded up. The road and gutters were littered with rubbish, old newspapers and ripped rags and as they walked down the Alley their footsteps were one of the only things making a sound. 

They stepped into Madame Malkin's shop with full intentions of buying new robes when they saw Malfoy standing on the fitting platform with his mother off to the side browsing the shelves. Veronica couldn't help but look at the boy's face, which had gotten alarmingly slimmer and more gaunt, making the dark circles under his eyes stand out even more among his impeccable dress sense. 

Madame Malkin was in the process of altering the robes that the boy was wearing, fixing the hem of his left sleeve, when he flinched his whole arm away, refusing to stand still despite the woman telling him to so she can do her job. 

He noticed them as soon as they walked in, turning his nose up at the group. "Mother, if you're wondering what that smell is, a Mudblood just walked in," he claimed, attracting the woman's attention as she turned to observe the scene that is now taking place, Veronica recognising her from the dream. 

The Malfoys exchanged a few more choice words with Harry and the Weasleys before Draco threw off the robe Madame Malkin was still trying to mend, and it crumpled to the floor as he stormed out, his mother deciding they must visit a different shop for his robes. 


The only shop that seemed to be doing well down Diagon Alley, was the new fluorescent joke shop run by Fred and George, standing out among the dirty run-down buildings surrounding it. Bustling with students and other young people who had bright enthusiastic faces as they wandered around browsing or buying various items the twins had spent years inventing. 

The group were greeted by the owners themselves, who had large grins on their faces, as always, and offered to give them a tour of their shop. Veronica could tell just by listening to them that they were immensely happy and proud of their creation as they took them around, showing off their best sellers. 

Veronica was standing with the girls, Ginny and Hermione, as the twins had dragged Harry away, claiming they had something else to show him. 

The area they were currently in was a bright pink, filled with purple mist as various devices pumped sweet smelling bubbles around them. Ginny was perusing the shelves, Hermione standing with Veronica, neither of the girls really looking at the items for sale.

Hermione was discussing potential careers and underlying subject requirements with Veronica, mainly consisting of Veronica listening as the Gryffindor listed her many possible choices, piping up every now and then to voice her approval. 

Fred appeared suddenly behind them, his playful voice interrupting their conversation as he addressed the girls. "Love potions, eh? From what I've heard Little Sister you don't need much help with that", he spoke to Ginny only partly teasing her, as his role of the older brother came into play as they spoke about the girl's new boyfriend, Dean Thomas. 

Harry had also wandered up to them but wasn't really listening to the conversation, grabbing hold of Veronica's hand to get her attention and smiling at her when he did. 

"The same with you two, huh?" said George, appearing behind the couple, "I don't know whether to throw up or cheer honestly" he teased, smirking at their conjoined hands. "Well, it's about time I'd say" Fred joined in, making the two teens blush even more. 

"How about we give you two a little something to spruce up those romantic situations" the twins began to gesture to the more adult range, hidden on the higher shelves, but before they could point towards anything specific, Harry began to drag Veronica away, telling the boys to sod off. 

The laughter they left behind echoed around the shop, Veronica's face as red as a tomato, Harry's in a similar state. 

As Harry began to apologise for the twins behaviour, embarrassed at the suggestive comments made towards them, Ron and Hermione wandered over and Ron quickly caught their attention. "Is it just me or do Malfoy and Mummy look like people who don't want to be followed?" 


How they ended up on the roof of an abandoned building of Knockturn Alley, spying on the Malfoy's walking around Borgin and Burkes, Veronica doesn't know but there she was, holding on to the slanted slates for dear life. 

The Golden Trio were clearly more intrigued by the abnormal behaviour of the Slytherin than she was, as they watched with beady eyes as Malfoy seemed to be admiring a large cabinet in the corner of the store. The shop was quite busy, as a large group of cloaked figures joined in the conversation Draco was having with the owner. 

Harry retrieved the Extendable Ears from his pocket, catching the end of the talk, Malfoy threatening Borgin in order to retrieve information on how to repair something, their view was partially blocked not letting them catch a glimpse of the object. 

The group soon left the store, and the Golden Trio had come up with a plan, sending Hermione in to talk to Borgin hoping to find out what it was that Draco thought was precious enough to reserve, even threatening them with Greyback over it. 

Once they realised the information wasn't going to be just given away, they quickly returned to Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, where they greeted by Mrs Weasley and taken back to the Burrow, Harry's mind racing over what he'd witnessed. 


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