Chapter 18: High Inquisitor

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The news came early Monday morning, splashed across the front page of the Daily Prophet, which arrived promptly at breakfast. Dolores Umbridge had been given the new title of High Inquisitor at Hogwarts. Veronica thought back to when Hermione suggested the woman was here as a spy and this only confirmed the muggle-born's view. 

It was clear that no one really knew what the role of High Inquisitor was and Veronica was almost completely sure it had been made up but the Minister to give the ghastly woman more power over the running of the school.

Almost as soon as the news was announced, Umbridge was seen in almost all classes that day, sitting in the room taking notes and evaluating every teacher at Hogwarts on if they're fit to teach. This sickened Veronica as she thought to herself 'what does Umbridge know about good teaching?' but never said it out loud as the image of the cuts on Harry's left hand remained in her mind. 


After classes had ended one day that week, Veronica had decided to go and see Professor Trelawney, to try and get some answers as to why she was having such vivid dreams, and why they seemed to be coming true. As lovely as Madame Pomfrey is, there's only so much medicine can do and instead of masking the pain forever, Veronica wants to embrace the truth and get to the bottom of her dreams. 

Professor Trelawney is almost always found in her classroom, the only time she joins the rest of the teachers in the Great Hall is if there's a feast for a special occasion. So that's where Veronica was sat one afternoon waiting for Trelawney to notice her. 

"Oh! My dear, when did you arrive", said the Professor in her usual mystical voice. "Just now," she replied, but instead of asking more questions, Trelawney just nodded, humming to herself. Veronica pushed harder; "Professor, I was wondering if you had time to answer some questions I had?" 

"Yes, yes of course" replied the teacher, eyes still glazed over only half paying attention. 

"The dreams I've been having for the past year now, have been... happening in real life? I was wondering if you had any ide-" she was cut off by Professor Trelawney gripping the girl's shoulder tightly in one hand, and holding her hand out to Veronica.

Seeing she was slightly confused, the Divination teacher impatiently gestured for Veronica to place her hand into the woman's own. Once she did so, it was quickly turned palm facing the ceiling and Trelawney started to stroke her fingers along the palm of the young teen. As soon as she'd started, she dropped the hand, as if it had burned her and the woman cried out in agony. 

"Professor, what is it? What's wrong?" the girl stood up jogging over to her teacher who was now gripping the desk and sobbing. Veronica felt sorry for the poor woman, knowing whatever it was, she had caused it. She reached out to soothe her, but as she reached for Trelawney the woman flinched away from her. 

"Tainted magic, bad aura. How didn't I see this before" the professor mumbled to herself, Veronica only caught a few of the words being said, but none of them sounded pleasant. 

"Please Professor, let me help you" she exclaimed desperately trying again to touch her back gently but this time was shoved away. 

"Don't you see young one! There is no help! He is back! The eye is corrupted!" the teacher screams into her face, bringing the Hufflepuff to near tears. Never had she seen Trelawney so troubled and she didn't know how to handle it so stood there for a few moments in shell shock. 

When the woman noticed she was still there she shooed her away screaming "Go! Leave!" and Veronica didn't wait any longer to sprint out of the room, and down the ladder away from the tower. 

Shaken from the events that just occurred Veronica went back to her dorm and laid in bed the rest of the day, skipping dinner to sob into her pillow as all of her emotions caught up to her. No matter how hard she tried to understand the words that were screamed into her face earlier, she didn't know what to take from it. 

Not knowing who else to turn to that could help her, Veronica decided to keep the confrontation to herself, as if word got out about what had happened it would inevitably lead to unfavourable consequences. 


As the days went by, Trelawney avoided Veronica like the plague. In lessons, she wouldn't walk to the side of the room Veronica was sitting in and would never even look in that direction. No one suspected anything, however, because Trelawney was known for her odd behaviour. 

Veronica was sat with the Golden Trio for lunch after a particularly rough Divination lesson, and Hermione turned to Veronica and asked her "How would you feel about learning how to perform the Defense spells outside of class?".

It was slightly unusual for Hermione to come out with a random question specifically for Veronica but the girl won't lie, she was interested. So she aired her opinion, stating that it would be nice to learn how to perform those spells so that come exam season she wouldn't be panicking too much.  

That seemed to be the correct answer as Hermione nodded smugly at her then sent Harry a pointed look. "Exactly, I told Harry he should be the one to teach us but he's having doubts" the bushy-haired girl explained. 

Excitedly, Veronica turns to Harry and grasps his arm "Why?! I think that's an amazing idea. You're so good at defence Harry, I bet you could teach us better than Umbridge" she proclaimed, making the boy flush slightly. 

As both the girls stared at Harry with hopeful expressions on their face, he sighs deeply, looking at Veronica once more before reluctantly mumbling "Fine, I'll do it". 


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