Chapter 52: Sectumsempra

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The feeling of Harry shuffling around in bed woke Veronica up the next morning, soft fingers stroking down her cheek made her groan and shuffle closer to her boyfriend. 

"Good morning," he whispers groggily before placing his lips on her forehead. 

She smiles gently back at him while sitting up, the covers falling off of her upper body, making her glad the curtains of the bed were still drawn around them. Harry seemed glad too as his eyes drifted down below her face. 

Veronica playfully slaps her hand to Harry's chin, drawing his eyes back up to hers, their eyes meeting cheekily as they share a smirk. 

Just before Harry could fully lean in and press their lips together, the Hufflepuff pushed him away, crawling over to her clothes that she left on the bedside table. 

"We have classes to get to Harry, we're already missing breakfast!" she exclaims after glancing at the time. 

Luckily they got dressed rather quickly after that and took off down the hallway and managed to make it to Charms.


The group of friends were crowded around one table, listening to Harry recall everything he could remember from Slughorn's memories that he and Dumbledore witnessed. 

"So, Slughorn obviously feels guilty for telling Voldemort about the Horcruxes, and didn't want you or Dumbledore to judge him, or blame him for everything that has happened,"  Veronica says, still a little confused about the soul splitting for protection. 

Harry shrugged in response, obviously unaware of how the Professor was feeling but nodded to her anyway. 

Hermione was in deep thought after learning this information and didn't seem to perk back into reality until the conversation had shifted to Ron explaining why the group were being glared at from across the room. 

"Yeah, we broke up officially now I guess," the ginger explained while shifting uncomfortably in his seat as Lavender sent him evil looks. 

The foursome skillfully avoided making eye contact with the girl who doesn't seem to be over the events that took place in the Hospital Wing - as Hermione looked particularly happy and slightly smug. 

"You're not the only ones, Ginny and Dean had quite a nasty argument a few nights ago before calling it quits as well," explained Hermione. much to Ron's joy. 

Class started shortly after that, so Harry and Veronica turned to face the front again, relaxed into each other as Harry rests his hand on his girlfriend's thigh and they share a secret grin. 


The school seemed to be in a big commotion as lunch began, students talking loudly and whispering about the same thing. 

Veronica didn't have to question what it was for long though as a random Gryffindor yelled across the room "Katie!"

Everyone simultaneously turned to face the double doors at the back of the room, and sure enough, Katie Bell was standing there, fresh-faced and healthy once more. 

A cheer rang out from around the room as the girl made her way to the Gryffindor table. 

Harry got up, eager to talk to her, and Veronica almost followed, until she noticed a scared frozen Draco, who has also noticed Katie. 

However, unlike the rest of the room who were happy and eager to talk to Katie - the Slytherin took one more look at the girl in the middle of the crowd and started running in the opposite direction. 

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