Chapter 29: Goodbye Umbridge

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Harry was hysterical. Once they'd managed to find him he had tried to fill them in on what he had seen in his dream when he'd fallen asleep during the exam, but it was rushed and hard to understand. 

Apparently, what had happened just before Christmas where Harry had got inside You-Know-Who's mind, had happened once again. The boy hurriedly explained that he'd seen Sirius, in a similar position as Mr Weasley, being attacked and tortured in the secret hallway of the Ministry of Magic. 

"We have to help him. I need to leave straight away!" Harry exclaimed, his green eyes watering in despair. 

Veronica didn't know what to make of this information. Harry had developed a close relationship with his Godfather and so seeing the man in such a vulnerable state has obviously made him emotional. She wanted to support and comfort him, but at the same time, she believed that Harry was thinking irrationally. 

Luckily Hermione, the voice of reason, spoke up letting Harry know of the dangers of just leaving Hogwarts straight away. Especially since this image he saw could be a trap put forward by You-Know-Who, as they now knew the influence he had on the boy's mind. Veronica was especially worried this was the case as this time, she hadn't seen what Harry had. 

The poor boy was desperate and so after seeing the look on his face, Veronica decided to play along, for now, suggesting that he at least try to get in contact with Sirius first, in case this is a trap and the man is still at Grimmauld Place. The only way to achieve this was to sneak into Umbridge's office yet again. 


While on their way to Umbridge's office, they managed to get a few members of the DA (Neville, Ginny and Luna) to help them distract the woman while Harry tried to get in contact with Sirius in her fireplace. 

Veronica stood in the office watching Harry kneel over the fireplace, his head engulfed in the flames. She couldn't hear what was being said, and her, Hermione and Ron hovered around him silently waiting for him to finish, 

She was impatiently and nervously shifting her weight on her feet, her mind filled with different scenarios where they were caught in this office. Glancing around at the pink walls and the fluffy carpets, the setting made her feel uneasy as she purposely avoided looking at the cats hissing from their plates along the walls. 

Eventually, Harry emerged from the fire, his face even paler than it was before as he explained what Kreacher told him. Sirius was not at Grimmauld Place and the house elf had pretty much confirmed the danger his master may be in. 

Harry had the idea in his mind that he had to go alone, but they weren't having any of it. "Harry when are you going to understand that we're in this together", Hermione stressed stepping forward to help Harry up from his position kneeling on the ground. 

"That You Are!" a screeching voice came from behind them and made them all tense and freeze as chills ran up Veronica's spine. Turning around she saw Umbridge standing there with a few Slytherins, some holding onto their friends that offered to help. 


She stood there panicked, wondering what would happen to them now that they have been caught. 

Malfoy had grabbed her quickly after they were discovered in Umbridge's office and she had been held tightly in his grip ever since while Harry sent sharp glares at the blonde every time she whimpered from the pain. 

After standing there for what felt like forever, with Umbridge asking intruding questions over who Harry was talking to, Snape walked through the office door. 

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