Chapter 26: Busted

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For the past couple of DA sessions, Harry had been teaching them about the Patronus Charm following numerous requests that he tell them how to perform it. 

Most of the DA had now begun to cast non-corporeal Patronus' - this is where the charm will let off a dusty white sheen, but it hasn't formed the body of an animal. Now they were just practising the charm, trying to think of stronger memories to trigger their corporeal Patronus. 

Veronica wasn't really sure what she should be thinking about. Sure, she had happy memories but none of them strikes her as the 'happiest' memory. She glanced around at the others around her, as different animals began to sprout from some of their wands, making her feel self-conscious as she could still barely perform a non-corporeal Patronus. 

Squeezing her eyes shut, she takes a deep breath and tried again. "Expecto Patronum!" she projects the words, but to her disappointment, when she opens her eyes there was barely a mist appearing from the end of her wand. This was Veronica's fifth attempt and she was getting nowhere, no matter how hard she tried. 

Noticing the girl struggling with the charm and her annoyed appearance, Harry decided to go over to assist her. Veronica sees him walking over to her and sheepishly smiles at him, making his heart flutter as her creamy cheeks were red from frustration and light mousy brown hair messy and slightly tangled. 

"Need a hand?" he asks, despite the obvious answer. She nods enthusiastically, happy that he was finally helping her and no one else. 

While Harry gives her a few tips on how to hold her wand to get the most out of the spell, she looks at the passion in his eyes when he's deep in describing a spell and is reminded of a scene from a few weeks ago. 


Malfoy was standing near the Golden Trio showing off his new badge off to his fellow Slytherins, indicating his spot on the group that Umbridge put together called the Inquisitorial Squad. 

Veronica wandered over to the Trio who were standing in the entrance hall, waiting for her as they had started to do now before meals. Before they could greet each other properly and head off to the Great Hall, Malfoy had strutted over to them, his posse following him a few paces behind. 

"Potter! Like our new badges?" Malfoy's loud arrogant voice echoes around them as he steps in their way with a smirk stretching across his pale face.

"Lovely Malfoy, you look like even more of a suck-up than usual" Harry snarkily responds irritated, his words clearly angering the Slytherin, his pointed features screwing up as he stares down Harry. 

"Like you can talk Potter! You've constantly licked Dumbledore's feet! Saint Potter thinking he can get what he wants after befriending that baffled old man!"

This bothered Veronica a lot as she finds herself putting the utmost trust in their Headmaster, and also she knew how those particular words affected Harry as the boy revealed his troubled relationship with Dumbledore recently, thinking the Professor was purposely ignoring him. 

Maybe that's why she felt the need to speak up. 

"Just stop it and leave Malfoy, he's obviously not interested" she speaks up confidently, surprising not only herself but her friends as well. 

Malfoy hadn't paid her any attention until now, only just realising the Hufflepuff was there. As he laid his cold glare on her, she regretted opening her mouth at all. 

"And who even are you? Do you think Potter really wants to hang around with a stupid little Hufflepuff? I think you should stop following him around like a lost puppy!" He snaps at her, his words making her take a few steps back, flinching as he unknowingly revealed her biggest anxieties. 

"Shove off Malfoy," Ron says as he steps forward, placing a hand on Veronica's shoulder. 

"Don't tell me you've resorted to hanging around this pathetic Hufflepuff, didn't think you were that desperate?" the blonde says, making the Slytherins behind him snigger as they look Veronica up and down turning their noses up at her. 

"Leave her alone Malfoy, you can't go round insulting our friends like that" Hermione speaks up, but the group ignores her and finally swaggered away still sniggering and glancing back at the girl. 

The trio turns towards her and when they noticed the tears in her eyes, her obviously not used to Malfoy's abuse, gave her comforting touches or looks. 

"Don't worry Veronica, we won't let Malfoy get away with what he said to you" Ron said watching as Hermione nods rubbing the girl's arm. 

Veronica glances at them still feeling slightly insecure. Harry saw this and wrapped an arm around her shoulders grinning brightly at her. "Yeah, you're one of our closest friends, it doesn't matter what other people, especially the Slytherins, think," he says passionately, giving her one more squeeze before leading the group into the Great Hall. 

*End Flashback*

She thought back to that day when the Trio had defended her in front of Malfoy and then called her a close friend and remembered how much joy had come from those few simple words. 

Glancing at Harry one more time, she closes her eyes again picturing all of her friends and how happy they truly made her feel this past year despite bad events occurring around them. 

"Expecto Patronum!" 

A gasp makes her open her eyes and she sees the most beautiful creature release from her wand, galloping around the room with their head held high. She smiles as she watched the doe frolicking with the other animals, not noticing the astounded gaze from the boy next to her. 

The sound of a loud crack filled the room, shocking people out of concentration as the Patronus' disappeared. They looked around confused until they saw the small house elf stumbling over to Harry. 

"Dobby!? Why are you here?" he questions walking over to the obviously distressed elf. 

"Harry Potter!" stuttered the elf, who looked like he was trying to say something but was also holding himself back. Harry saw this as well and leaned down to speak softly to Dobby. 

"She said not to tell but, Dobby had to warn Harry Potter, they're coming". The students that heard tense and nerves were high around the room. 

"Umbridge?" the boy questioned as if it wasn't clear by now who Dobby was talking about, and the forced nod the elf gave was all he needed to give before Harry turned to address the crowd. 

"Well, what are you waiting for, run!" He shouts, clutching Veronica's wrist and hastily dragging her through the bustle of people running from the room. He faced her, rushing, and told her to get herself as far away as possible while grabbing her face between his hands. Not listening to her protests, he firmly pushed her one way before running in the other direction. 

As much as she wanted to run after him, Veronica knew she wouldn't be much help and so she did what he told her and didn't stop running until she was safely in the Hufflepuff common room, relieved to find Ernie and Hannah also made it back. 

She tried to force it out of her mind but couldn't stop worrying about Harry and the rest of the DA the whole night. 


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