Curious Visitors, Unlikely Jealousy

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I was finally back into the groove of training since being in the hospital. All of us were laying on the ground panting right now thanks to Kurenai pushing us so hard today. There was a bird in the sky that was making strange noises that caught Kuernai's eye. I gave her a weird look but she just patted my head.

"You guy's head home." Kurenai smiled, and we all nodded. Hinata and I helped one another up and went on our way.

"Hey Hinata, are you sure you want to stay at my place tonight? I mean we could just go to yours?" I smiled at her and she just nodded her head.

"Yours is fine Akari, don't be so worried."

Well there were quite a few things for me to be worried about. Like the fact that Hinata froze up everytime she saw Naruto and his bed was the living room. Also there was the fact Hinata lived in a rather large house, while I on the other hand lived in a small bedroom apartment that smelled like ramen almost constantly. Naruto and I never had guests over.

"You know you could just stay with me tonight Kari." I rolled my eyes as Kiba spoke the words and slung his arm over my shoulder. I looked at the boy and smiled. Both he and Shino had caught up with us.

"You want to come tonight Kiba?" I jokingly said, and he just nodded.

"I am hurt I wasn't invited to this sleep over." Kiba looked at Hinata and I with a wide smile on his face. We both just laughed at his actions.

"Why don't we all get some food together to make up for shunning you and Shino?" I suggested and he looked at Shino who just nodded.

"Let's eat!" Kiba yelled proudly, causing all of us to laugh, I am pretty sure even Shino made a noise of approval.

Team 8 was becoming quite the team. Even Shino was starting to work well with us. Both Shino and Kiba were even becoming slight friends. It was difficult because unlike Hinata, Shino wasn't talkative with us. Hinata still clammed up around other people, but when it came to us she was actually pretty talkative. Especially when it was her and I. We were becoming close friends, after the.. unexplained incident. I still felt like a monster for almost killing Hinata, hurting Kurenai, and just overall scaring the crap out of all my teammates.
Kiba, Akamaru, and I were vicious when it came to physical combat. Kurenai spoke about how it almost wasn't fair to anyone else at how in sync I was with the pair. Kiba's mom didn't believe that someone outside of the clan could work so well with Kiba and Akamaru, but when she stopped by a training session her mouth dropped open. The three of us had been working on a secret technique.
The three of us turned around the corner and all three members of Team 7 were standing there, across from three ninja I had never seen before. We caught everyone's attention when we walked around the corner, that's when I noticed Konohamaru and his two friends were standing there as well.

"KIBA WHY IS YOUR ARM AROUND MY SISTER?!" Naruto yelled and that's when I noticed that Kiba and I were still in fact still attached to one another. Hinata froze and stared ahead at me brother. I felt my cheeks go red from Naruto's embarrassing reaction. Then I noticed Sasuke staring at me intensely, his eyes glancing back and forth from Kiba to me.

There was a third person staring at me though. One of the unidentifiable ninja. The boy was cute, and surely not much older than I was. He had short spiky hair, beautifully light green eyes that were rimmed black, but the most noticeable thing about him was the kanji for the word "love" on his forehead.

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