Important Author's Note

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So, to start off, I would just like to say thanks for anyone who's been reading my story. I truly appreciate it. Now I left a lot of things up in the air about this story to be able to write a sequel to the story. There are a lot of loose ends I need to tie up, and a lot of questions that need to be answered.

Does Akari become stronger?
If she was so conflicted over leaving why did she finally choose to go?
What happened in the fight with her and Tenten?
What about Kiba and his feelings?
Do her and Sasuke end up together?

Does she return home?

And I have the sequel in the works, but I am on the fence about posting it just yet. I really want to, but I just need to know that there will be at least one person who will be willing to read the rest of the story of Akari. My writing skill is a little crappy, that I am very well aware of, but I believe (and my friends who have proof read the first five chapters of the sequel) that the sequel is so much better than this story alone.

I will be posting updates on my profile about this story and it's sequel, so if you would like to keep informed go ahead and give me a follow. I'll decide within the next few days whether or not to post the sequel or not.

thank you 🖤

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