Sharp Objects, A Deal

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-Tenten POV, hehe warning for any NejiTen haters.. idc bout ur reasoning-

I looked across at Akari who was destroying the target dummy I had brought along with me for today's training session. There was one thing I was sure of, she was getting really good with that katana. In fact we learned that her strengths were absolutely weaponry and she was also really good with hand to hand combat. I had a feeling she would eventually learn some cool jutsu, but for now at least I knew she had these two up her sleeve. The girl had amazing stamina, that was for sure we had been at this for hours and I was worn out. She was still going strong though.

"You know, if you keep this up you're going to fall apart from exhaustion." I called out to her and Akari finally froze and looked at me while she was panting.

"I want to get stronger." Was all she replied with, and I just smiled at her.

"Can't do that if you're dead."

Akari sighed in defeat before finally dropping to the ground. The blonde laid on her back and sighed. I went over and laid next to her. We were both staring up at the clouds. Neither one of us really being able to find the strength to talk to one another.

"Tenten, I have a question." Akari finally spoke and I turned my head to look at her, she was still looking up though.

"Huh? Yeah what's up?"

"When did you and Neji finally make things an official couple?" I froze at the words and instantly started giggling, which soon turned into a loud laugh.

"Neji and I we aren't you know, anything, just teammates." Akari looked at me strangely, before just letting out a frustrated puff of air.

"You clearly like him though, the way you admire him no matter what he's doing." Akari spoke, I just blushed so she really is more observant than her brother apparently.

"Well you caught me, but why are you bringing this up to me now?" I questioned, what did this have to do with anything right now?

"Sasuke and I, well we've kissed twice now, but yet I am still not sure where we stand with one another, I know there are more important things for me to focus my mind on but it's just really annoying."

I smiled warmly at her, understanding exactly how she felt. Guys were frustrating. Sadly her and I seemed to pick two of the most frustrating ones of all. We picked two of the most determined ninja, but also two of the strongest. Liking Neji was definitely a frustrating act, because there would never be a good time to tell him how I felt about him. I admired Neji for being so strong, that was what attracted me to him to begin with. I knew telling him how I felt though would have to wait until right time, until we were both ready. Until we were both stronger. Akari has a completely different situation at hand though, her and Sasuke had let their feelings come into the light now. Luckily they weren't on the same team, so they can both focus on their missions, but still it had to be frustrating to be dealing with these feelings right now.

"Akari, I will tell you what I do, I don't focus on my feelings for Neji, I focus on making myself a better kunoichi, you should do the same." I smiled at Akari, and she just looked at me baffled for a second. I sat up from laying on my back.

"Hey Tenten, thank you."

"For what Akari?"

"For still being my friend." I flinched at her words sadly, thinking back to a few nights ago when Kiba sent for me to come get her.

Akari smiled sadly when I met up with her and Kiba. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and dragged her away from Kiba's house. We didn't talk the entire way, I just held her close to me. I didn't need to know what was wrong, I just wanted to make sure she was alright.

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