Chapter 7

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Adam lets me go back to Kari's room, or Ryan's room or whatever. I want to tell Kari what that was all about, but for some reason I don't want her to know. She'll tease me, for sure, but I could handle that. Anyway, I keep it to myself.

"And?" she asked, drawing out the word. I pretended to glare at her, but I couldn't help but smirk too, so I probably looked like a madman.

"You said he didn't like you," she added in a song song voice. She got up and took both of my hands and danced with me.

"Kari. You don't even know why your so happy," I tell her.

"Mhm! I do!" she says and laughs.

"You're scaring me," I giggle.

"I took a sociology class in school!" he said. I raised an eyebrow at her while laughing. Yes, that was what a best friend was for. Acting stupidly knowing they won't know what the hell your talking about, yet they go along with it. I didn't realise I missed the feeling until I felt it, but I realise now that me and Kari haven't been real close in the past few days. Damn guys, getting between us.

"Yeah, I did too. And?" I say. She lets go of one of my hands and twirls herself around.

"And I'm happy you chose to stay with them this week," she said. I stop dancing, freezing in place.

"How did you know?" I ask, trying to figure out this puzzle she has set me up in.

"Sociology baby! Adam told me he was going to ask you, and I figured out, since I know you SO DAMN WELL that if you said no, you would've told me everything that just happened, but if you said yes, then you wouldn't tell me anything! DAMN I'M SO SMART!" Kari squealed. She plopped back on the bed, a huge grin across her face. I had to laugh at her, I mean it would be hard not to.

"Wow. I would've never guessed that my own BEST FRIEND would know me so well," I joked, sitting down beside her on the blue striped bed spred. I looked around the room, wondering about Ryan. I barely knew him, out of all the boys, I think I knew Jack the best personally, but I think I figured more out about Adam by just being near him. Ryan was as mysterious to me as ever.

He had no posters on his wall, but he had a framed record of an album called 'Living Room', with a picture of the three boys sitting on a drawn couch. I'm guessing it was their album.(DUH)

Other than that, this room was really neat and tidy. Too tidy. Maybe Ryan had OCD or something, but no boys room should be this clean. Now that I think of it, Jacks room was clean too. Maybe they were a family of OCD's.

"You're going to have so much fun," Kari whispered. I looked over at her, laying down lengthwise across the bed. Not to be rude, but I couldn't picture Kari as a mother. To me, she's still my little sister, even though she's older.

"You're so going to be jealous when I get back," I counter playfully, but Kari just grins at me. She's so weird, she's like that person who gets mad over the wrong things. Like if her ex-boyfriend screwed up her life, it's okay. She'll just live later. But if I mention anything about the boys here not liking me now, she'd probably kill me.

"I know," she sighs.

There's another knock at the door, and happily I go to answer it, forgetful in my giggly mood. Until I open it and see Jack. I'm smiling as I look at him, momentarily confused, but my hand acts automatically and closes the door in his face. I know, I know, it's not fair to him, he's been kinda nice lending me his bed and finding me when I'm lost and feeding me toast. But I still can't get over that he called me stupid.

I go and sit over by Kari, who is leaning back I her elbows now, glaring at me.

"Who was that?" she asked right when he knocks again.

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