Chapter 22

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I lived- by One Republic

Neon Lights- Demi Lovato(im gonna shucking cry to death)

·····KAYS POV·····

After kissing, Jack and I just lay there on his bed, our legs tangled with the sheets, our arms wrapped around each other. I cuddle closer to his chest and he rests his chin on my head, playing with my hair.

"Jack," I whisper, not really wanting to interrupt this quiet, but my thoughts are taking over my mind and I have to tell anyone anything.

"Kay," he whispers back, and I can hear the smile in his voice, feel his grin in my hair.

"We should do something today," I smile as I remind him. I can feel his small chuckle through his chest, and it only makes me smile wider.

"Yeah, we should. Any ideas?" He asks tiredly. I hum a sound that sounds something like 'I don't know'.

"Let's go to Times Square. And the Brooklyn bridge. And Central Park," he says, and I can't help but laugh.

"Those are all far apart," I point out, and I sit up a bit so I can see him as he shrugs.

"So? You haven't really seen anything. Technically, we can go on a day long date all across the state. We have time," he smiles, and he looks so cute with his tired smile that I bend down and kiss him again. I don't know what I'm doing, but he doesn't seem to care.

"Okay. Let's do it," I smile, but i counter my words as I lay back down on him, retaking my previous position. Jack hums in content, and we just lay there for a few more minutes.

I've never felt whatever I'm feeling now before. I've never much talked to people, let alone boys, and I've always considered myself extremely independent. I didn't really know what would happen next, but I still just wanted to know Jack. I just wanted to get to know him, the things he likes, the things he hates, I want to know why I find him interesting.


"Okay, so Times Square first because it's the closest to us. We drove by it on the way to the Broadway thing but Ryan didn't really stay long enough for us to see anything. Then Central Park. Then the Brooklyn Bridge," Jack says, a bigger smile than usual on his face.

Jack, Ryan, Adam and I are all sitting in Ryan's room, since it's the only one with a tv. I had thought that all the rooms were the exact same, but Ryan apparently didn't like that so he put in a secret TV to be secretly different, even though it wasn't that big of a secret. Adam was currently sitting in one of Ryan's secret beanbag chairs, Jack in the other, and me and Ryan just laying on his bed, me hanging upside down so my head is right beside Jacks, Ryan starring up at the ceiling, still mad that Jack had kicked him out of his beanbag chair.

"Jack," Ryan whines, but Jack chooses to ignore him.

"Hopefully we can get back before midnight because I'm tired just thinking about all this driving," Jack continues.

"You're the one who said you'll drive across the state, just be happy I don't want to go to Buffalo. Plus, you're the one who wants to go to the Brooklyn bridge," I point out with a breathy laugh.

"Yeah, why the Brooklyn bridge? There's like, 10,000 other bridges around here," Ryan says laughing at himself, lifting his his head off the sheets in curiosity.

"Because because. Now shh, I like this part," Jack says quickly, only looking at the TV. Ryan just laughs, continuing his staring contest with the ceiling. Adam has said nothing this whole time, but I can see either a smirk or a grimace on his face, eyes glued to the TV as well.

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