Chapter 28

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Arabella by Arctic Monkeys

Read My Mind by The Killers

Just Another Girl- The Killers

····KAYS POV·····

The first thing I heard when I woke up was a cheery voice telling me to wake up. Not wanting to, I press my face closer to Jack, hiding my eyes from the sudden light.

"C'mon guys! Today's a nice day! We should get up and party! Plus I made breakfast." I look up and to my disbelief I see Adam. Adam? Why is he suddenly so cheery?

"Adam..?" Jack sounds confused as well, actually half sitting up out of curiosity.

"Yeah?" Adam chirps, the first smile I've seen on his face.

"Um.. Are you okay?" Jack asks tentatively.

"Why wouldn't I be? I'm gonna leave now because you two are gross, but breakfast is in the kitchen." Adam turns around and walks out, shutting the door softly behind him. I get up and go to Jacks bathroom, jumping in the shower and doing my hair while he gets dressed. I leave to go to 'my' room to get some clothes and I meet Jack back at his room.

"I don't like what he's doing," Jack says wearily.

"What? Adams never been nice before?" I asked with feigned shock. Jack gives me a look, making me laugh. We start walking towards the kitchen, mostly out of hunger and curiosity.

"Woah." Jack walks in before me, and he stops in the doorway before I can see anything. I try to see over his shoulder but he's too tall, so I squeeze beside him to stand in front of him.

"Woah," I repeat with a small nervous laugh. There are eggs, scrambled and over easy, a plate full of sausages, bacon, hash browns, pancakes, and three different types of juice all payed out on the island like a buffet.

"I got up at seven and was bored." Adam smiles, looking away from us. My first thought is oh my god he's going to poison me, and then I mentally slap myself. No, he's just trying to be nice. Adam is a nice person. I mean, he made us food. Ryan walks in then and that also reassures me, because Adam apparently likes Ryan more so he wouldn't poison him, too.

"Woah dude," Ryan says, eyeing all the food. I look over at the pancakes, wanting but really not wanting to go over and eat them all. "What's with all this?" He asks.

Adam grins.

And I think there's something behind the grin, and apparently Ryan sees it too, because he gives Adam a weird look. Like an eyebrow raised as if to ask 'really?' and an almost frown as if he was saying 'you better not fuck up' which means that Ryan knows what's up.

"Uh," I clear my throat, "What's up, guys?" I look at Ryan when I ask this, knowing that he'd be more willing to tell me.

"I don't really know. I'm just as weirded as you are.." Ryan lies, but he's pretty convincing. So convincing that Jack believes him, but I don't, because I saw that look.

"Well don't let it all get cold. Eat up!" Adams smiling again, and it's a real smile, so I think it's okay to eat. It has no menace in it whatsoever. And I'm hungry.

I follow Jack, a little anxious still to just go and get my own food here. He gets a little bit of everything, whereas I pile my plate with pancakes and syrup. It's the fake syrup, the typical American stuff, but my parents used to get this for me instead of the real stuff as a kid so I'm used to the taste.

"So? How is it?" Adam asks.

"Did you really make these?" I ask as I take my first bite. It is definitely the best pancake I've ever had. I want to hire Adam as my personal chef.

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